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Updated: August 16, 2024

"What, Falcam, is it you, my boy?" the don cried gladly, wringing the young man's hand. "Yes, senor. I have some papers from Tonza. There has been a slight rising at Diu, but, fortunately, we were able to suppress it in time," handing the don a sealed packet. After casting his eyes rapidly over the contents, Don Garcia smiled and turned with a pleased look towards the captain.

"I regret to say it is our painful duty to take him; every care will be given him. He is suspected of having murdered Luiz Falcam." "No, no; you are mistaken! It is some one else, not he. Jarima was much too gentle to kill any one!" the woman cried, passionately. Her prayers and supplications were unavailing. Henrique was obliged to do his duty, and bade his men take the suffering man to prison.

I will give it gladly to him," she murmured. "You love him, child?" "Dearly. I shall be proud and happy to become the wife of Luiz," gaining courage. "You have my answer, Falcam. May you be content always. I give her to you with pleasure."

She stopped; the outstretched arms fell inertly down, the graceful head drooped, and without one cry or moan, Lianor fell heavily to the ground unconscious. "Explain, Savitre Sampayo, what means this strange raving? Who is dead?" Don Garcia said, fearfully. "It means that Luiz Falcam was found murdered this morning!

Four Portuguese remained at Martavan, among whom was Juan Falcam; who, instead of assisting Fernan Mendez Pinta, sent by Pedro de Faria, the commander of Malacca, to confirm the peace which subsisted with the late king of Martavan, accused him to the governor of the town as an enemy to the king of the Birmans.

Don Garcia's delight knew no bounds when he saw the procession entering the palace gates, and he ran eagerly to receive his daughter. "My loved child! How unwise I was to let you go, to send you into danger," he cried, carrying her in his arms from the palanquin to the marble hall. "If it had not been for our young friend, Falcam, I should never have seen you again." "But, papa, think!

"Lianor, may I speak before Savitre?" the don asked gravely. "Of course, papa. I have no secrets from her." "My child," drawing her nearer to him, "Luiz Falcam has asked your hand in marriage; what answer shall I give him?" Lianor blushed divinely, and her dark eyes shyly drooped before the eager glance from those loving blue ones fixed upon her. "He saved my life, father.

First he wished to gain Don Garcia over to his side, so took an early opportunity of speaking to him on the subject. The viceroy listened in grave silence, and a look of regret stole into his eyes. "I am sorry," he said gently. "Why have you come too late? My child is already betrothed." "To whom?" hoarsely. "Luiz Falcam." "But he is only a captain, and poor!

"You could not be so hard, knowing how my happiness is bound up in him. I will never, while Luiz lives, give my hand to another." "Thank you, Lianor; nor will Falcam let you," a deep voice broke in suddenly, and Luiz, his face flushed with mingled pleasure and disgust, came toward her, followed by his bosom friend, Diniz Sampayo, a young and rich noble.

When Lianor heard the subject of the conference between her father and Tonza, her indignation was unbounded. "How can you act so dishonorably, papa?" she cried angrily, "after betrothing me to Luiz; now, because Tonza is rich and wishes to marry me, you would break your word." "But, my dear, think how different Manuel is to Falcam!

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