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'No doubt he will meet us at the station, said Felix, escaping at last, and finding Ferdinand not many yards off in the road outside. 'Well, Fernan, to Brompton, if you please. Mr. Underwood is really much kinder than I expected; but as things stand, you can't carry it on in their house, so Alda comes home with me to-night. 'Then the dear girl is really banished for my sake!

'Have you positively no choice, Fernan? 'I never like the bother of consideration, said Ferdinand, 'and in London I might have more chance of seeing you and other friends sometimes. I do know that it is not all my father supposes, but he thinks it is all my ignorance, and I have not much right to be particular. 'Only take care that horses do not become your temptation, said Mr. Audley.

Lusitania had a Viriatus, Rome a Caesar, Carthage a Hannibal, Greece an Alexander, Castile a Count Fernan Gonzalez, Valencia a Cid, Andalusia a Gonzalo Fernandez, Estremadura a Diego Garcia de Paredes, Jerez a Garci Perez de Vargas, Toledo a Garcilaso, Seville a Don Manuel de Leon, to read of whose valiant deeds will entertain and instruct the loftiest minds and fill them with delight and wonder.

"That's the reason they always look like a gardener's prize bouquet at a country horticultural show," said Gerald. "What does it signify? They are only a testimony to Sir Gorgias Midas' riches. I do hate orchids." "I wish them on their native rocks, poor things," said Gerald. "But poor Fernan, you do him an injustice."

Everything that antiquarian knowledge could do had been brought to bear upon the surroundings of the scene; the delicate tilework of the walls and floor, the leather hangings, the tapestries, the carved wood and brass work of a Spanish palace of the fifteenth century, had been copied with lavish magnificence; and the crowded expectant house divided its attention and applause during the first scene between the beauty and elaboration of its setting and the play of the two tolerable actors who represented Elvira's father and the rival of Macias, Fernan Perez.

New papers and books are continually being brought out under the auspices of this society, throwing light on the past history of the country. Fernan Caballero, a German by race, but married successively to three Spanish husbands, may be said to have inaugurated the modern Spanish novel de costumbres, and her books are perhaps better known in England than those of some of the later novelists.

'Tom Underwood summons me; I can't say I like the errand. 'You ought not to let yourself be led by Edgar's unkind joking way! 'We ought to be off now, at any rate, said Felix, glad to close the discussion. 'I'll write to get Fernan to meet me at the station to- morrow.

Do you remember her being found playing tricks with the nugget, just come from Victoria?" "That was in her kitten days," said Ferdinand. "Is that personal, Fernan?" "A compliment, Angel," said the Bishop. "Kittens alter a good deal." "Not much for the better," said Angela. "If you only could see Mrs. Lamb, who used to be the very moral of a kitten, scratchiness and all!"

And after a few volleys had been fired from the said boats, galleys, and pinnaces, in reply to the many broadsides which they let fly at us from their fortress here on the afternoon of that same day Fernan Riquel, notary-in-chief of that camp, came with a reply from his Grace, also a copy of certain clauses from his instructions, and a message to the effect that he would finally have the work stopped, if this fleet would stand off farther from shore.

Only a few words dropped now and then about Emilia and her hospital, where she was to be left for a year, while Fernan with Marilda visited his American establishments, and on their return would decide whether she would return, or whether they would take Franceska, or a younger one, in her stead.