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To Slivers' hints, that perhaps Villiers' wife knew more than she chose to tell, the police turned a deaf ear, as they assured Slivers that they had made inquiries, and on the authority of Selina and McIntosh could safely say that Madame Midas had been home that night at half-past nine o'clock, whereas Villiers was still alive in Ballarat as could be proved by the evidence of Mr Jarper at two o'clock in the morning.

"People, I presume, have even offered to pay you for publishing the compliments of the season about their neighbors?" "Well," answered the scribbler, laughing, "I may have Midas' longing for gold, but I also have his ears. And the ears predominate. I am such an ass I have even returned a fair petitioner's perfumed note! Such a dainty little hand! How good the paper smelt! How devilish it read!

The old Greek legend of Midas turning everything he touched into gold, is truer than most people imagine. Mediaeval superstition changed the human being who possessed such a power into the philosopher's stone the stone which so many alchemists sought in the dark ages. But we of the nineteenth century have given back into human hands this power of transformation.

Midas began to get very anxious and to think about many things he had never thought of before. Here was the very richest breakfast that could be set before a King, and yet there was nothing that he could eat! The poorest workman sitting down to a crust of bread and a cup of water was better off than King Midas, whose dainty food was worth its weight in gold.

The hind limbs are much larger in volume than the anterior pair. The Midas ursulus is never seen in large flocks; three or four is the greatest number observed together. It seems to be less afraid of the neighbourhood of man than any other monkey.

A week's imprisonment would have done it, but now they're armed and belligerent and we'll have a battle to- night." "No, no!" she cried. "There mustn't be any violence." "There is no use trying to check them. They are rushing to their own destruction. I have learned that they plan to attack the Midas to-night, and I'll have fifty soldiers waiting for them there.

Midas must teach all to be as Midas; the young must be raised in his religion The manuscript ended there, and Sheridan was not anxious for more. Having read the legend, Sheridan walked up and down the spacious office, exhaling the breath of contempt. "Dam' fool!" he mumbled.

Kitty was of course released, but overwhelmed with shame and agony at all her past life having been laid bare, she did not go to see Madame Midas, but disappeared amid the crowd, and tried to hide her infamy from all, although, poor girl, she was more sinned against than sinning.

'If you can, do so, said Vandeloup, with a doubtful look at her. 'I will send him away. 'Don't let him hurt you. 'I don't think there's much danger, replied the young man, with a glance at his arms, 'I'm stronger than I look. 'Thank you, Monsieur, said Madame Midas, giving him her hand; 'you have rendered me a great service, and one I will not forget.

"The Golden Touch," asked the stranger, "or your own little Marygold, warm, soft, and loving as she was an hour ago?" "Oh, my child, my dear child!" cried poor Midas, wringing his hands. "I would not have given that one small dimple in her chin for the power of changing this whole big earth into a solid lump of gold!"