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"The arrest is made in my county," said Morris stoutly, "an' I've got the say as to what's to be done with a prisoner." "Morris," said Haines earnestly, "if I'm taken to Elkhead it'll be simply a matter of lynching. You know the crowd in that town." "Right right," said Morris, eagerly picking up the word. "It'd be plain lynchin' murder " Dan broke in: "Haines, step over here behind me!"

She's got a soft look and you'd never pick her for the sort that would run clean off with a gent like Barry. Barry himself wasn't so bad for looks, but they'll tell you in Elkhead how bad he is in action, and maybe they's some widders in Alder that could put in a word. Take even the kid. She looks no more'n a baby, but what d'you know is inside of her?

First gimme a list of the places you'll stop for the relays." He produced an old envelope and a stub of soft pencil with which he jotted down Gary Peters' directions. "And every second," said Buck Daniels in parting, "that you can cut off your own time will be a second cut off'n mine. Because I'm liable to be on your heels when you ride into Elkhead."

"Now tell us how you got away." "Afterwards," said Haines. "But first Kate." "What's your hurry to see her?" said Kilduff. Haines laughed exultantly. "You're jealous, Bill! Why, man, she sent for me! Sent Whistling Dan himself for me." "Maybe she did," said Kilduff, "but that ain't no partic'lar sign I'm jealous. Tell us about the row in Elkhead." "That's it," said Jordan. "We can't wait, Lee."

Coming in contrast with the rock-strewn desolation of the plains, this was a great establishment; the doctor had ridden out with a waif of the desert and she had turned into a princess at a stroke. Then, for the first time since they left Elkhead, he remembered with a start that he was to care for a sick man in that house.

Then he explained more gently: "I don't say you're yellow. All I say is: this mess ain't one that you can straighten out nor no other man can. Give it up, wash your hands, and git back to Elkhead. I dunno what Kate was thinkin' of to bring you out here!"

I'm your man, hand and glove." "Don't get optimistic. This game isn't played yet, and unless I make the biggest mistake of my life we'll be guessing again before we land Silent. I've trailed some fast gunmen in my day, and I have an idea that Silent will be the hardest of the lot; but if you play your end of the game we may land him. I have a tip that he's lying out in the country near Elkhead.

When he seen me he changed colour. I'd jest popped my head through the door an' sung out: 'Hello, Hardy, how's the boy? He jumped up from the desk an' sung out so's his clerk in the outside room could hear: 'How are you, lad? an' he pulled me quick into the room an' locked the door behind me. "'Now what in hell have you come to Elkhead for? says he. "'For a drink' says I, never battin' an eye.

"First," he suggested, "I must tell you that before I left Elkhead I heard a hint of some remarkable story concerning a man and a horse and a dog. Is there anything " But it seemed that she did not hear. He heard a sharp, low exclamation which might have been addressed to her horse, and the next instant she was galloping swiftly down the slope.

"Buck," said his father huskily, "I'm askin' your pardon. I got sort of panicky for a minute, that's all. But what are we goin' to do with him? If he don't get help he'll be a dead man quick. An' you can't go to Elkhead for the doctor. They'd doctor Dan with six-guns, that's what they'd do." "What could of made him do it?" said Mrs. Daniels, wiping a sudden burst of tears from her eyes.