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"If you don't cut your domn line, I will!" raved Jimmy. "Cut nothin'!" cried Dannie. "Let's see ye try to touch it!" Into the river went Jimmy; splash went Dannie from his bank. He was nearer the tangled lines, but the water was deepest on his side, and the mud of the bed held his feet. Jimmy reached the crossed lines, knife in hand, by the time Dannie was there. "Will you cut?" cried Jimmy.

Jimmy's heart weighed heavily, his tongue stood still, and he was afraid to the marrow in his bones. "I think she will live," repeated Dannie. "And about the suffering more, we will face that like men, and see what can be done about it. This makes three little graves on the hill, Jimmy, what do they mean to ye?" "Domn bad luck," said Jimmy promptly. "Nothing more?" asked Dannie.

"I tould him," said he, "I hadn't a cint, but he poured me a tin chuck-full. With thanks in me eyes I turned off the whole of it, then kindled me pipe and stood close by the still. Ah! me lad, how the liquor wint through me! In thray minits I didn't care a domn for all the captins in old Stonewall's army!"

"If you dare to say one word more about my features, young man," says Carrots having a pug-nose, Carrots was techy about her features; and she had a temper the same color as her hair "I'll smack you in the mouth!" "And Oi'll smack your whole domn head off!" put in Blister Mike. "D'you think Oi'm going to have ladies drinking at my bar insulted by slush like you?"

He seized his insensible adversary, dragged him out into the centre of he room, loosened his collar, and squeezed the surgery sponge over his face. He sat up at last with a gasp and a scowl. "Domn thee, thou's spoilt my neck-tie," said he, mopping up the water from his breast. "I'm sorry I hit you so hard," said Montgomery, apologetically. "Thou hit me hard!

Then both of them entered the water and began clearing away drift and laying the foundations. As the first log of the crossing lifted above the water Dannie paused. "How about the Kingfisher?" he asked. "Winna this scare him away?" "Not if he ain't a domn fool," said Jimmy; "and if he is, let him go!"

D'ye think, ma'am, it's the dancing she's after, or the baro-nite? This was another appeal to Mrs Hurtle. 'I suppose they go together, said the lady. Then there was another long pause, at the end of which poor John Crumb burst out with some violence. 'Domn him! Domn him! What 'ad I ever dun to him? Nothing! Did I ever interfere wi' him? Never! But I wull. I wull.

Build cabinsh together. Work together, and domn if they didn't get shmall pox and die together. Left me and Dannie. So we work together jish shame, and we fallsh in love with the shame girl. Dannie too slow. I got her." Jimmy wiped away great tears. "How did you get her, Jimmy?" asked a man who remembered a story. "How the nation did I get her?"

"I've done a domn sight of faleing that you didn't know anything about," answered Jimmy. "I could work it off at Casey's for a while, but this summer things sort of came to a head, and I saw meself for fair, and before God, Dannie, I didn't like me looks." "Well, then, I like your looks," said Dannie. "Ye are the best company I ever was in.

"I'd juist started spadin' this onion bed," explained Dannie. "Of course, she thought we were going to stay all day." "With no poles, and no bait, and no grub? She didn't think any such a domn thing," said Jimmy. "You don't know women! She just got to the place where it's her time to spill brine, and raise a rumpus about something, and aisy brathin' would start her.