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If you'll take it, I'll raise you the price of a new coat, but I'll be domn if I'll hilp put such a man as you are into another of the fiminine ginder." The Thread Man laughed, and shook Jimmy's hand; and then Jimmy proved why every one liked him by turning to Dannie and taking his hand. "Thank you, Dannie," he said. "You sure hilped me to mesilf that time.

The skupper never looks tull hum ot all, but keeps on mutterun" an' jabberun' tull humsel'. All of a suddent-like he straightens up an' throws hus head back, an' says: 'Put your wheel over, me mon now domn ye! Are ye deef thot ye'll no be hearun' me?

"Chickie, Chickie, Chickie," he said. "I can't till by your dress whether you are a hin or a rooster. But I can till by your employmint that you are working for grub. Have to hustle lively for every worm you find, don't you, Chickie? Now me, I'm hustlin' lively for a drink, and I be domn if it seems nicessary with a whole river of drinkin' stuff flowin' right under me feet.

But whichever of us it is that's dead, it's a domn good job if your Reverence will excuse me saying so the other one of us has made of Nosey: bad luck to the heart and lights of him, that are cooking this blessed minute in the hottest corner of hell!" "Tut! Tut! Brother Patrick," says Santa , speaking friendly but serious.

Jimmy's fist flew straight, and the blood streamed from Dannie's nose. Dannie dropped the lines, and straightened. "You " he panted. "You " And no other words came. If Jimmy had been possessed of any small particle of reason, he lost it at the sight of blood on Dannie's face. "You're a domn fish thief!" he screamed. "Ye lie!" breathed Dannie, but his hand did not lift. "You are a coward!

Ye got to say ye know that I dinna understand Mary was sick when I went." "Sure! I've said that all the time," agreed Jimmy. "But what I don't understand is, WHY you went! I guess she thinks it was her fault. I came out here to try to study it out. The nurse-woman, domn pretty girl, says if you don't get back before midnight, it's all up. You're just on time, Dannie.

Do not hollo. Scare the coon out of its hollow!" "Oh, I do miles of things like that," said Jimmy dryly, "and mostly I have to do thim before the spur of the moment; because our moments go so domn fast out here mighty few of thim have time to grow their spurs before they are gone. Here's where we turn.

"I reckon I know me faults about as well as the nixt fellow. I'm so domn full of faults that I've thought a lot lately about fillin' up, and takin' a sleep on the railroad." A new fear wrung Dannie's soul. "Ye never would, Jimmy," he implored. "Sure not!" cried Jimmy.

I wonder if thim domn lines of mine have gone and rotted." He left his supper, carrying his chair, and standing on it he began rummaging the top shelf of the cupboard for his box of tackle. He knocked a bottle from the shelf, but caught it in mid-air with a dexterous sweep. "Spirits are movin'," cried Jimmy, as he restored the camphor to its place.