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But some people ain't scared o' nothin'. Dey bangs right ahead; DEY don't care what happens. So den dey's allays an hour's diff'unce everywhah, Mars Tom?" "An hour? No! It's four minutes difference for every degree of longitude, you know. Fifteen of 'em's an hour, thirty of 'em's two hours, and so on. When it's one clock Tuesday morning in England, it's eight o'clock the night before in New York."

"He fed hisself well whilst he war about it," she commented, "an' now he'll feed us well. What diff'unce do it make whether Con's rifle-ball hit whar he aimed ter do or no, so he fetched him down somewhar?" The afternoon passed peacefully away. It seemed strangely long.

"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a while, "you know I wasn't crying just now." "Dat's so, honey," the old man replied, "but 't wouldn't er bin long 'fo' you would er bin, kaze Mars John bawl out lak a man wa't got a strop in he han', so wa't de diff'unce?" When they had finished eating, Uncle Remus busied himself in cutting and trimming some sole-leather for future use.

I didn't go ter schul much. I dunno w'at ter say 'bout de younger gineratshun; dere ez sich a diff'unce now ter w'at hit wuz w'en I wuz a girl. Dunno any tales dat I useter 'year." "Didn't see any Klu Klux Klan, but I alluz got skeered en hid w'en we'd 'year dey wuz kumin'. I 'long ter de Baptist Church. I neber went ter menny camp-meetin's, but went ter a lot ob baptizins."

He wuz some kind o' a furriner, an' ef what you tell us 'bout him is true, Paul, as I reckon it is, it wuz his mind that led his men on to victory over the Rooshians an' the Prooshians an' the French an' the Dutch." "Over the Romans, Sol." "Ez I told you once, Paul, it makes no diff'unce. They're all furriners, an' all furriners are jest the same. Hannybul wuz the kind that wouldn't give up.

"Co'n hev riz on our side. I thought mebbe you charged folks over thar more, anyways." "I sells fer the same, ef co'n is high ur low," was the answer. "This side or t'other makes no diff'unce to me. I hev frien's on both sides, 'n' I take no part in sech doin's as air a shame to the mountains."

You've got to think what kind o' a gen'ral is leadin' the warriors ag'inst you. You must take his mind into account. Ain't that so, Paul? Wuzn't it true o' that old Roman, Hannybul?" "Hannibal was not a Roman, not by a great deal, Sol, as I told you before." "Well, he wuz a Rooshian, or mebbe an Eyetalian. What diff'unce does it make?

"She can't swear them hawgs war possessed by the devil," he said in a low tone to his next neighbor. "Oh, why not," exclaimed the girl, "when we know so many men air possessed by the devil, why not them shoats, bein' jes' without clothes, an' without the gift o' speech to mark the diff'unce!"

He's braggin' to hisself 'bout his patience, how he kin set thar fur a month, ef it's needed, an' I kin read his mind. He's thinkin' that even ef we give up it won't make no diff'unce. Our scalps will hang up to dry jest the same, an' he will take most joy in lookin' at yours, Henry, your ha'r is so fine an' so thick an' so yellow, an' he hez such a pizen hate o' you."

"Well, then, he was a Rooshian or a Prooshian." "Nor was he either of those." "Well, it don't make no diff'unce, nohow. He wuz a furriner, that's shore, an' he's dead, both uv which things is ag'inst him. It looks strange to me, Paul, that a furriner with the outlandish ways that furriners always hev should hev been sech a good gen'ral." "He was probably the best the world has produced, Jim.