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For you'll show that a successful hoss trade involves the highest nash'nul characteristics. That what common folk calls "selfishness," "revenge," "mean lyin'," and "low-down money-grubbin' ambishun" is really "quaintness," and will go in double harness with the bizness of a Christian banker, sez he." "Created goodness, Dan'l! You're designin' ter"

"A man of your age and influence in Our Square," I interrupted sternly, "should have been dissuading them." "Arr ye designin' to put all that in yer sil in yer interestin' account?" "Every detail." MacLachan dislodged my crook from his leg, gave me such a look as mid-Victorian painters strove for in pictures of the Dying Stag, and retired to his Home of Fashion. The explanation is Barbran.

There's nothin' that keeps the heart so young and fresh as goin' with young people, just as nothin' ages a man so much as havin' a lot of widders and designin' old maids about. Of course," she added, with a return of her natural suspicion, "you are old enough to be father to the whole bunch, which keeps people from talkin'."

"Mother, there was a lass I cam to ken in Edinburgh, whan I was a divinity student there, and " "Ay, ay, I ken a' aboot it!" interrupted his mother, eager to spare him; " an ill-faured, designin limmer, 'at micht ha kent better nor come ower the son o' a respectable wuman that gait! Sic like, I doobtna, wad deceive the vera elec'!" "Na, na, mother, she was nane o' that sort!

But a menacing suspense followed his words. His mother broke out at last: "You asked Cynthy Whit'ell to marry you! And she said she would! Well, I can tell her she won't, then!" "And I can tell you she will!" Jeff stormed back. He rose to his feet and stood over his mother. She began steadily, as if he had not spoken. "If that designin' " "Look out, mother! Don't you say anything against Cynthia!

One of her pet bugaboos was that, now her brother was well-off 'cordin' to her idea of well-offness some designin' woman or other would marry him for his money. Down she come, first train, and she's been all hands and the cook, yes, and paymaster with Kenelm a sort of steerage passenger, ever since.

She do be of a designin' turn o' mind," he proceeded, "which is accordin' t' the nature o' women, puttin' no blame on her, an' she's not a wonderful lot for looks an' temper; but," impressively lifting his hand, voice and manner awed, "she've l'arnin', which is ek'al t' looks, if not t' temper.

I tell you, even though I been acquainted with Will Kennicott almost since he was a mere boy, seems like, I wouldn't trust even him! Who knows what designin' women might tempt him! Especially a doctor, with women rushin' in to see him at his office and all! You know I never hint around, but haven't you felt that " Carol was furious. "I don't pretend that Will has no faults.

But a menacing suspense followed his words. His mother broke out at last: "You asked Cynthy Whit'ell to marry you! And she said she would! Well, I can tell her she won't, then!" "And I can tell you she will!" Jeff stormed back. He rose to his feet and stood over his mother. She began steadily, as if he had not spoken. "If that designin' " "Look out, mother! Don't you say anything against Cynthia!

Th' best iv us falls, like Cousin George, an' there ar- re designin' women in this very block that I have me own throubles in dodgin'. But anny time ye hear iv me bein' dhrawn fr'm th' quite miseries an' exclusive discomforts iv single life ye may know that they have caught me asleep an' chloroformed me. It's thrue.