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The other day, when we were stowing away apples in the closet, she took bites out of the best to see if they were ripe! She has no pleasure but in gobbling up the best of everything." Brémer himself could not help admitting that there was a very heathenish spirit in her when he heard his wife crying from morning till night, "Myrtle, Myrtle! where are you now?

Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. 14. Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out. 15. And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things?

We get so we would rather Gladys would fall out of the book and break her neck than do it again. She is always doing it, and usually irrelevantly. Whenever it is her turn to murmur she hangs out her blush; it is the only thing she's got. "... repeated Evelyn, bursting into tears." They can't say a thing without crying.

Few children, born or reared in that county thirty, or even five-and-twenty years ago, who were not occasionally frightened into 'being good, and going to sleep, and not crying when left alone in the dark, by huggath a' Pooka, or, 'here's Lady Betty. The only fragment of her history which we have been able to collect is, that she was a person of violent temper, though in manners rather above the common, and possessing some education.

We must go help him, even though he thought to accomplish this mighty work alone, for we can never return to our homes if we have not slain the enemy and saved our king's life. Rather than live when he is dead, I will perish with him in this deadly fire." Then he rushed through the noisome smoke to his lord's side, crying: "Dear Beowulf, take courage.

Thomasin carried in her arms a large bundle; and having by this time seated herself she began to unroll it, when a baby appeared as the kernel to the husks dry, warm, and unconscious of travel or rough weather. Thomasin briefly kissed the baby, and then found time to begin crying as she said, "I brought baby, for I was afraid what might happen to her.

"My poor, poor Dixon!" said Ellinor, laying down the paper for an instant, and she was near crying, only she had resolved to shed no tears till she had finished all, and could judge of the chances. There were but a few lines more: "At one time the prisoner seemed to be desirous of alleging something in his defence, but he changed his mind, if such had been the case, and in reply to Mr.

"What has happened?" inquired the adjutant, feeling cold in his heart. "Chief," said Eunana, "yesterday I saw a man running in the garden naked, and crying in an unearthly voice. He was brought in to me, and, chief slay me!" Eunana fell again at the feet of Tutmosis. "That naked man that I cannot tell." "Who was he?" inquired the terrified Tutmosis. "I will not tell!" groaned Eunana.

And to hear the people crying 'Yes, me Lard! and 'No, me Lard! and to read the prodigious accounts of his Lordship in the papers: it seemed as if the people and he liked to be taken in by this twopenny splendour. Twopenny magnificence, indeed, exists all over Ireland, and may be considered as the great characteristic of the Snobbishness of that country. When Mrs.

She put her arms about her baby sister and drew her closer. "Poppy dear, don't tell Esther about Miss Row being so nasty, and about my crying. It will only trouble her more, and I want her to forget, and we will all try to be very jolly to-day, won't we?" Poppy nodded her head vigorously; but there was a doubtful expression on her pretty face. "She will see you've been crying," she said gravely.