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Something in the sad submission of her face touched the springs of innocent pity in Lucy's heart. The child burst out crying. That artless expression of sympathy drew Mrs. Zant down the few stairs which separated her from Lucy. "May I kiss your dear little girl?" she said to Mr. Rayburn.

Then it seemed to Naomi's ears that a voice fell, as it were, out of the air, crying, "God has given him into our hands!" After that all sounds seemed to Naomi to fade far-away, and to come to her muffled and stifled by the distance. But with a loud shout, as if it had been a shout out of one great throat, the crowd encompassed Israel crying, "Kill him!"

After his recovery from an illness, an immense concourse of people had assembled at a fête given in the gardens of the Tuileries palace; enormous crowds filled every inch of the Place du Carrousel and the gardens; the windows and even the roofs of the houses were alive with people crying "Vive le roi!"

It was certainly a pity that those darling young guardsmen she had danced with should have had to be killed, but there was never any use in crying over spilt milk better look out for new ones coming on. She was quite indifferent as to which country won.

For I found the doors in some places barred against me; in others, the bairns, when they saw me coming, ran crying to their mothers, "Here's the feckless Mess-John!" and then, when I went into the houses, their parents wouldna ask me to sit down, but with a scornful way, said, "Honest man, what's your pleasure here?"

His grave face was accusing in its set expression, and she felt it and was spurred on to do still deeper injustice to herself an insane perversity. "Not that I care a cent I'm not jealous of her. I ain't so bad off for company as she is. She can't take anybody away from me, but she must go and break down my faith in the judge." She bit her lips to keep from crying out.

I trembled for an angry interruption to the sport, and was almost on the point of crying out, to warn the cricketers of his approach; he was so close upon me, however, that I could do nothing but remain still, and anticipate the reproof that was preparing.

I hurried out to the gate, and there, to my amazement, found Billy in the clutches of a strapping impudent wench and surrounded by a ring of turnkeys, who were splitting their sides with laughter. "I won't!" he was crying. "I'm a married man, I tell 'ee, and the father of twelve!" "Oh, Billy!" I cried, aghast at the lie. "There was no other way, lad.

"It will be better for me to go now," said Deronda, worn in spirit by the perpetual strain of this scene. "Remember what we said of your task to get well and calm before other friends come." He rose as he spoke, and she gave him her hand submissively. But when he had left her she sank on her knees, in hysterical crying. The distance between them was too great.

His most passionate desire was to have her taken away that she might not witness the execution. Why was Sieur Charles La Tour sitting in the stockade at the head of Fundy Bay while she must endure the sight of this scaffold? Marie's women knelt around her crying.