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An' then Dan comn an' he made way wi' yo' as he made way wi' aw th' rest men an' women an' children. He niwer worked an' waited as I did he niwer thowt an' prayed as I did; everything come easy wi' him everything allus did come easy wi' him, an' when I seed him so light-hearted an' careless about what I wur cravin' it run me daft an' blind.

What do you know about a woman hungerin' an' cravin' for her own man? You have to have reelly felt them things yourself, to know the signs of 'em in other folks." Claire's lip trembled, but she did not reply. When Martha spoke again it was as if she had replied. "O, go 'way! You ain't never had a leanin' in any gen'l'man's direction, I'd be willin' to wager.

Widow Leech, a kind of relation, who had to be invited, and who came with her old, back-country-looking string of gold beads round her neck, seemed to feel very serious about it. "If she'd ha' known that folks would begrutch cravin' a blessin' over sech a heap o' provisions, she'd rather have staid t' home. It was a bad sign, when folks wasn't grateful for the baounties of Providence."

"Wa'al," Halloway was schooling his demeanor warily into the middle course between a too ready forgiveness and a too bellicose resentment, "wa'al what air ye cravin' my pardon fer, then?" "We've done heered ergin from Coal City an' ther town marshal says thet hit war all a fool mistake thar hain't no sufficient grounds ter hold ye on. He bids me set ye free forthwith." "Go on, then, and do hit.

I don't care a cuss whether you believe me or not, dear friends and brothers, but I want to tell you right now that I cleared the creek with something like one hundred and eighty feet to spare! At which I took to throwin' summersaults. I threw one solid quarter-mile of summersaults before that suddent cravin' was satisfied. "'Y-a-as, says I when I picked myself up.

But th' war expert has to subjoo his cravin' f'r blood. He says to himsilf 'Lave others seek th' luxuries iv life in camp, he says. 'F'r thim th' boat races acrost th' Tugela, th' romp over the kopje, an' th' game iv laager, laager who's got th' laager?" he says. 'I will stand be me counthry, he says, 'close, he says. 'If it falls, he says, 'it will fall on me, he says.

"Oh, tha's settled," announced Jeff soothingly. "Who settled it?" "Me." "You?" "Yas, me out of pyure frien'ship fur you. Lissen, Brother Lovin', an' give due heed. I comes to you d'rect frum Gumbo Rollins. He's done seen the error of the way he acked tow'ds you that time. He's cravin' that all the grudges of the bygone past shall be disremembered.

They watch him when he comes into a bar-room an' they're careful not to cross him. He's a bad man whether he wants to be or not." Billie nodded. "I was afraid it would be that way, but I'm more afraid of somethin' else. The worst thing that can happen to any man, except to get killed himself, is to shoot another in cold blood. 'Most always it gives the fellow a cravin' to kill again.

"If we could only taste the flavour o' baccy ever so mild," they were wont to say to their comrades, "the craving would be satisfied." To which Isaac Martin, who had no mercy on them, would reply, "If ye hadn't created the cravin' boys, ye wouldn't have bin growlin' and hankerin' after satisfaction." As we have said, McCoy was smoking, perhaps we should say agonising, over his evening pipe.

An owd dog'll git the cravin' for sheep's blood on him, just the same as a mon does for the drink; he creeps oot o' nights, gallops afar, hunts his sheep, downs 'er, and satisfies the cravin'. And he nary kills but the one, they say, for he knows the value o' sheep same as you and me.