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'And now, screamed out old Lady Clapperclaw, clapping her hands, and speaking with more brogue than ever, 'what do you think, after all my kindness to her, the wicked, vulgar, odious, impudent upstart of s cowboy's granddaughter, has done? she cut me yesterday in Hy' Park, and hasn't sent me a ticket for her ball to-night, though they say Prince George is to be there. Yes, such is the fact.

They say it will spoil the magic if we come and go so quickly, so they want to keep us here a couple of days." "As prisoners?" asked Paul, quickly. "That's about it," was the cowboy's laconic answer. Ruth and Alice gasped convulsively, and then urged their horses nearer to their father's mount. Russ and Paul looked curiously, and a bit apprehensively, at each other.

The man's intense desire to succeed, his quick intelligence, with his instinct for acting without hesitation, and his reckless disregard for personal injury, together with his splendid physical strength, led him to a mastery of the details of a cowboy's work with remarkable readiness.

The fact is, I'm running it, now that is, to the extent that I'll be damned if you're going to stay behind and rot in this God-forsaken inferno, while I ride to safety on your horse." The smile died from the cowboy's face: "It ain't that, Win. I guess you don't savvy, but I do. She's yours, man. Take her an' go! There was a while that I thought but, hell!"

There's been a big rain an' the ground's all washed clean an' smooth ... Not a track!" It was the cowboy's habit to calculate the past movements of people and horses by the nature of the tracks they left. Then Neale awoke to violence. He sprang up and rushed to the ruins of the cabin, frantically tore and dug around the burnt embers, and did not leave off until he had overhauled the whole pile.

Sturgis's manoeuvre had so completely taken the girl by surprise that as she floated away in the cowboy's arms she was for a little undecided what to do. She did not want to dance with Thornton; it had been upon the tip of her tongue to make the old excuse and tell him that she was engaged for this waltz. In that way the whole episode would have passed unnoticed.

"Excuse me askin', but if you don't mind, now what be you professor of?" The other answered with more courage, as though his soul found strength in the very word: "Aesthetics." The cowboy's jaw dropped, his mouth opened in gaping awe, and he looked from the professor to Phil and Kitty, as if silently appealing to them to verify this startling thing which he had heard.

"A band of woolies, a pack burro, one feller walkin', and another ridin'." The cowboy's eyes were unfriendly, though he made no comment as they waited. "Howdy!" called the Major genially as, with a nod, the herder would have passed without speaking. The stranger responded briefly, but stopped. "Come fur?" inquired the Major sociably. "Utah." "Goin' fur?" "Until I find a location.

It will be seen that the man is dressed conveniently for his work, and that he has none of the extraordinary handicaps to progress, in the way of grotesque decorations, which he had been thought to believe were, at least, part and parcel of the cowboy's wardrobe and get up.

The recent shooting at the Here's How Saloon by some man who had stood almost at the cowboy's elbow, he had for a little forgotten as he pondered on his own personal danger and admitted that the case was going to look bad against him in spite of what he might do. But now, for a moment, he forgot his own predicament to become lost in frowning speculation upon the night's crime.