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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Yes, and be d d to you," said Farendell fiercely. "Yer NOT," returned Scranton. "Not if I knows it. Yer goin' to climb down. Yer goin' to get up and get! Yer goin' to step down and out! Yer goin' to shut up your desk and your books and this hull consarn inside of an hour, and vamose the ranch. Arter an hour from now thar won't be any Mr. Farendell, and no weddin' to-morrow."

"Sure it's a misfortunate pig I've been iver since I left Owld Ireland," he remarked to his pipe one day after dinner, being alone with that implement at the time; "an no sooner does the first stroke of good luck befall me, an me fortune's made intirely, than whoop! down goes the whole consarn to the bottom of the say. It's well, hows'ever, that ye didn't go down yerself along with it, Simon.

"You must go through the very thick of it, consarn you!" exclaimed Tom; "at your old work already, hey? trying to shirk at first!" "Don't swear so! you old reprobate! I know my place, depend on it," cried Archer; "but what to do with the rest of you! there's the rub!"

I've allus had trouble to keep from leavin' myself there. Besides, it was a woman that left her, wasn't it? Well, consarn it, I'm not a woman, am I? Look at my whiskers, gee whiz! "I didn't say you left the baskit, Alf; I only said you'd somethin' to do with it. I remember that there was a strong smell of liquor around the place that night." In an instant Anderson was sniffing the air.

Oh, nothing in life, miss, that need consarn you only a fall I got from my horse, which the child they set to lead me would put me up upon, and it come down and kilt me; for it wasn't a proper horse for an unfortunate man like me, that was overtaken, as I was then; and it's well but I got a kick of the baast. Sir W. Do you say you were kicked by a horse? Christy.

This air a free country, and I had as much right to go up that valley as they had." "I should have thought yer had had more common sense, Sam Hicks," Jerry said reproachfully, "than to go a-mixing yourself up in a business in which you had no sort of consarn.

And they're devils to fight, they say. "'Arrah now, sure, ye're mighty ignorant, thin. Sure, they say they'll not pay taxes. Thin the sojers comes in and shoots them down, and you and I stands by wid our tongues in our cheeks. 'Tis no consarn of ours. We have nothin' to say to it, one way or another.

Of course in all cases where bars of gold were found with the owners' names stamped on them, the property was at once handed over; but after all was done that could be done by means of the most painstaking inquiry, an immense amount of gold necessarily remained unclaimed." "And I s'pose if it wasn't for us divers," said Maxwell, "the whole consarn would have remained a dead loss to mankind."

'Whew w! he softly whistled. 'Wall, it takes two mittens t'make a pair ye'll hev t'ask her ag in. 'Yes I cannot give her up, I said decisively, 'I must try to win her back. It isn't fair. I have no claim upon her. But I must do it. 'Consarn it! women like t'be chased, he said. 'It's their natur'. What do they fix up so fer di'mon's an' silks an' satins if 'tain't t'set men a chasm 'uv 'em?

As Buck Bradley had surmised, no attempt had been made to wreck the track beyond, the insurrectos having counted, seemingly, on stopping the dash for the Esmeralda by their ambush in the wood. "Consarn their yellow hides," grunted Pete, "that shows they kep' closer tabs on us then we knew. I reckon they was scared to follow us to Rosario, thinking, like we did, that the regulars was there.

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