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"'Tween you and me, Honey, if I should happen fur tu hev any children, Recta wont feel any consarn about the boys gittin to drinking, now that ere old brewery is out of the way. Some folks say if a man is tu be a drunkard, he'll be one any how; but if there's no liquor, I'd like fur to know how he is going fur tu git it? I guess nobody ever got burnt that never see a fire."

Tom replied, "I'd like to catch you at it, my dear boy I'd wax the little hide off of you. But come, let us be settling. Is it a lie now, Jem; speak out is it a lie, consarn you? for if it be, you'd best jest say 't out now, and save your bones to-morrow. Well, boys, the critter's sulky, so most like it is true and I guess we'll be arter him.

"Good gosh, capt'n!" cried he, "look yander! Consarn my skin! ef 't ain't a wheelberra!" A wheelbarrow it certainly was: for the two men were now traversing along the top of the ridge, and their bodies from head to foot, were conspicuously outlined against the sky.

Mark; but 'twould be a desperate long way for two hands to carry a wessel of four hundred tons, to take the old 'Cocus from this here anchorage, all the way to the coast of America; and short of the coast there's no ra'al hope for us. Howsever, sir, that is a subject that need give us no consarn."

"I feel like a Welsh rarebit myself," laughed Frank, "how about you, Ben?" "I feel like a pot of boiling tar with a fire lighted under me," growled the veteran angrily; "consarn these rocks, I'd give a whole lot for a bit of that shade we left behind us."

"Eh " began Guy. But "Grrrrrrrrr" from Sam stopped him in time. Again Caleb's eyes wandered afar. Then he stepped out of the teepee and Yan heard him mutter, "Consarn that whelp, he makes me laugh spite o' myself." He went off a little way into the woods and presently called "Yan! Guy! Come here." All three ran out. "Talking about eyes, what's that?"

"I'll have ther law on yer fer this," he yelled. "Tryin' ter kidnap me and bustin' down my barn. I'll see whether such goin's on is allowed in ther sufferin' state uv Massachusetts, yew see if I don't, consarn yer. I'll "

"What a plum for that traitor to put into his pocket! I wish I had it. But he told me he was to get eight hundred and fifty dollars." "P'raps he did, for that was what the foremast hands got; but I promised to give Marcy more for acting as pilot and I done it, consarn my fule pictur'! I wanted to get on the blind side of him, so't he would sorter confide in me for a friend, don't you see?

If he had had the time he would have started a lawyer upon an investigation. As he did n't, and he saw nothing more entertaining ahead of him until morning, he took satisfaction in pestering him as much as possible in this somewhat childish way. "Keep at him until he answers," he ordered the girl. It took ten minutes to rouse the deacon again. "Is this Deacon Staples?" he inquired. "Consarn ye "

She didn't take them all, did she?" "No o, but Well, the fact is, Mr. Ellery, I I I'm locked in." "Locked in?" "Yes, locked in this room. She she Oh, consarn it all, Mr. Ellery, she's locked me in this room a-purpose, so's I won't get out and go somewheres without her knowin' it." "What?" "Um h'm; that's what she's done. Did you ever hear of anything like that in your born days?"