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"'Now his narrative ended, the butler retir'd, Whilst Betty Watt, muttering half drunk through her teeth, Declar'd 'in her breast great consarn it inspir'd, That my lord should sae cullishly come by his death; Next a keelman was called on, Bold Airchy by name, Who the book as he kissed showed the whites of his eyes, Then he cut an odd caper attention to claim, And this evidence gave them respecting Lord 'Size;

"I don't know that it's any consarn o' yours what I think," replied Flip, hopping from boulder to boulder, as they crossed the bed of a dry watercourse. "And I suppose you've piloted round and dry-nussed every tramp and dead-beat you've met since you came here," continued Lance, with unmistakable ill humor. "How many have you helped over this road?"

Neither did Miss Elting understand the meaning of this sudden merriment, but she knew that Harriet had discovered something. Janus regarded the girl frowningly, all the time keeping one eye on the faintly outlined figure out by the tote-trail. "Laugh, consarn it!" Mr.

"Consarn ye, the same smell as now yer drunk." "Tom Folly drinks, too," protested Alf. "He drinks Martini cocktails." "Don't you?" "Not any more. The last time I ordered one was in a Dutch eatin' house up to Boggs City. The waiter couldn't speak a word of English, an' that's the reason I got so full. Every time I ordered 'dry Martini' he brought me three. He didn't know how to spell it.

It took a second ring to bring a head out of the open window upstairs. "Well?" a sleepy voice demanded. "Is this Squire Latimer?" "Yes." "Come down. We want to get married." "Then why can't you come at a reasonable hour? consarn it!" "Never mind that. There's a good fee in it. Hurry up!" Presently the door opened. "Come in. You can wait in the hall till I get a light." "No I don't want a light.

We mounted reeling knolls, and coasted over whirling dips, and rushed to boiling levels, and jumped foamy ridges, and went galloping in the rush and tumble of long slopes. "Let 'er rip!" I could hear D'ri shouting, once in a while, as he flashed up ahead of me. "Let 'er rip! Consarn 'er pictur'!" He gave a great yell of triumph as we slowed in a long stretch of still, broad water.

It ain't going to let you turn any more of them tricks of a black rascal simply because you pose as a shining martyr. The way you've treated Mack McGowan " "If this conversation is to be about the minister, I shall save you the trouble of speaking by going at once." "It ain't no trouble for me to speak. What I've got to say does consarn Mack a heap, and you'd best listen.

Well, if he was all of a suddent to turn into Marmoset, an' swaller himself, an' then jump down the throat of Grampus, and the whole consarn, canoe and all, to disappear, I don't think that I would be much surprised." "Would you not, Barney? I suspect that I should be, a little, under the circumstances; perhaps the old Nigger would be more so." "Niver a taste," continued Barney.

Well, now, you don't know anything about it neither, so keep your mouth shet. Harry Squires is a purty sly cuss. Mebby it's his'n. You ain't supposed to know. You jest let me do my own deducin'. I don't want no blamed woman tellin' me who to shadder. An' you, too, Edner; get out of the way, consarn ye! The next thing you'll be tellin' me what to do an' me your father, too!"

"I reckon as how it don't consarn you whether I look sour or sweet what you want is a night's lodgin', and you've got it, so don't trouble me no more." "Very sorry, but I shall," said Jackson, secretly congratulating himself that, now he had got the tongue of his host in motion, he had a fair chance of keeping it so. "I must trouble you for some bread, and whatever else your larder may afford.