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"I know all 'bout this shipwreck, an' a good deal more that'll consarn ye, but fust I want to know who is lookin' for the information, an' what's likely to cum on't." It was Frye's turn to stare now.

So long, Helen . . . Oh say," he added, as an afterthought, "I guess you and Albert ain't been introduced, have ye? Albert, this is Helen Kendall, she's our Orthodox minister's daughter. Helen, this young feller is Albert er er Consarn it, I've asked Cap'n Lote that name a dozen times if I have once! What is it, anyway?" "Speranza," replied the owner of the name. "That's it, Sperandy.

Ef it hadn't been for that, the ole rifle would ha' been at the bottom of the creek." "But what was Captain Caseby doing here in the woods at night?" asked Harry. "Dunno," said Tony; "I jist follered him till I made sure he wasn't a-huntin for my turkey-blind, and then I let him go long. His business wasn't no consarn o' mine."

You may tell Judith to feel no consarn on my account-it will come hard I know, seeing that a white man's gifts don't run to boasting and singing under torment, for he generally feels smallest when he suffers most but you may tell her not to have any consarn.

Punch is a seprit Consarn and Cums high but Can order him at sam time though not in that line since micklemass he belongs to Mr valentine Burstem at the marmaid 14 Princess Court holborn I am my Lady your most dutiful humbel servant tuesday JAMES BOTTEN. 19 Piccadilly P.S. Please Let the head munky Jacko Cum down The airy on account not making no dirt in the haul

If it was a question of provin' to a lot of chuckleheads that Jollygee and Genesis, or some other dead and gone Scripture folk that don't consarn no mortal soul, used to contradict each other, your tongue'ud run thirteen to the dozen. But when it's a matter of takin' the bread out o' the mouths o' your own children, you ain't got no more to say for yourself than a lamp-post.

"I ax yer parding, sir," said Jack, a little softened, though by no means restored to his wonted good-humour; "no offence meant, but I've been shamefully abused by the scoundrels in yonder village, an' I am riled a bit. It's only a scratch, sir, you don't need to consarn yerself." "It is more than a scratch, if I may judge from the flow of blood. Permit me to examine."

We had had a long spell of quiet weather and the road lay in two furrows worn as smooth as ice at the bottom. 'Consarn it! said Uncle Eb looking up at the sky, after we had been on the road an hour or so. 'There's a sun dog. Wouldn't wonder if we got a snowstorm' fore night. I was running behind the sledge and standing on the brake hooks going downhill.

"Turn tail? He jest throwed up his head for one good look and came a comin'. "'Oof! oof! I hollered, louder'n ever. But he jest came a comin'. "'Consarn you! I says to myself, gettin' mad. 'I'll make you jump the trail. "So I grabs my hat, and wavin' and hollerin' starts down the trail to meet him. A big sugar pine had gone down in a windfall and lay about breast high.

"Lor'," he asseverated, "I'd never forgive myself strike me silly if I would!" "Faith an' sure, is it ai'ther expectin' me now for to schlape in that thare outlandish consarn yez are?" exclaimed Mick, to whom a hammock was an entire novelty. "It's jokin', faith, ye are entirely, sure!"