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Updated: August 24, 2024

Keene's last visit in Dorade was to the Vicomte de Châteaumesnil. The latter manifested no surprise at the sudden departure, and expressed his regrets with a perfectly calm courtesy. But, at the moment of leave-taking, he detained the other's hand for a second or so and said, looking wistfully in his face, "Ainsi, vous partez seul? je ne l'aurais pas cru; et, je l'avoue franchement, ça me contrarie. N'importe; je connois votre jeu; et je ne vous tiens pas pour battu, quand c'est manche

On the night of his election he went to Lord Saxingham's; but what there happened deserves another chapter. "Je connois des princes du sang, des princes etrangers, des grands seigneurs, des ministres d'etat, des magistrats, et des philosophes qui fileroient pour l'amour de vous. En pouvez-vous demander davantage?"* /Lettres de Madame de Sevigne/

On the night of his election he went to Lord Saxingham's; but what there happened deserves another chapter. "Je connois des princes du sang, des princes etrangers, des grands seigneurs, des ministres d'etat, des magistrats, et des philosophes qui fileroient pour l'amour de vous. En pouvez-vous demander davantage?"* Lettres de Madame de Sevigne

There are but two ways in which those appearances may be explained; one of these is that which M. Bouguer has adopted; the other, again, belongs to the present Theory, which represents the action of running water upon the surface of the earth as instrumental in producing its particular forms, and thus forming many natural appearances upon the surface of the earth. The first of these, viz. that a mass of solid land, in such a shape as that here described, should remain while all around it sinks, is an opinion which, however possible it may be, is not supported, I believe, by any example in nature; the last again, viz. that the parts around those insulated masses, and those that had intervened between the corresponding mountains, have been carried away by the natural operation of the rivers, is not only the most easy to conceive, but is also, so far as those operations are concerned, conform to every appearance upon the surface of the globe. It is not necessary to go to South America, and the rivers of the Cordeliers, for examples to illustrate that which every one may see performed almost at his own door; but it is there that an example has occurred, which, though it has imposed upon an eminent philosopher, cannot properly be employed in support of any other theory but the present. Our author proceeds: «Je ne connois les environs de l'Orénoque que par relation, mais je sçais qu'en plusieurs endroits les montagnes y sont également formées de couches horizontales, et qu'elles ont souvent en haut des plateformes qui sont exactement de niveau. On ne trouve

Would I talk with you, or with the young dandies most willingly? Are we not of the same blood, Clive; and of all the grandees I see about, can there be a grander gentleman than your dear old father? You need not squeeze my hand so. Those little imps are look that has nothing to do with the question. Viens, Leonore! Tu connois bien, monsieur, n'est-ce pas? qui te fait de si jolis dessins? Leonore.

Ce discours m'étonna beaucoup; il me fit faire des réflexions sur l'étrange sujettion le Turc tient la Macédoine et la Bulgarie, l'empereur de Constantinople et les Grecs, le despote de Rascie et ses sujets. Cette dépendance me parut chose lamentable pour la chrétienté. Et comme j'ai vécu avec les Turcs, que je connois leur manière de vivre et de combattre, que j'ai hanté des gens notables qui les ont vus de près dans leurs grandes entreprises, je me suis enhardi

But I have brought you the sketch; and am so pleased that you asked for it. It is charming charming! What shall we give to our painter for his chef-d'oeuvre? There is my pay! And you will be glad to hear that two of my portraits have been received at the Exhibition. My uncle, the clergyman, and Mr. Butts, of the Life Guards. Ethel. Mr. Butts quel nom! Je ne connois aucun M. Butts! Clive.

Pasgrave replied, that he did look at it, he supposed; that he saw it was a ten-guinea note; it might be stained, it might not be stained; he could not pretend to be certain about it. He repeated his assurances that he was ignorant of business, and of every thing in this world but dancing. "Pour la danse, je m'y connois pour les affaires, je n'en sais rien, moi."

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