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One of her maternal aunts made her a coming-out tea, after she left school; and she entered upon a series of dinners, dances, theatre parties, and receptions of all kinds; but the tide of fairy gold pouring through her fingers left no engagement-ring on them.

It was only yesterday in this same place they had talked over all things under the sun. They had exchanged with each other their stores of kindly gossip about all their friends and their friends' friends. Only yesterday it was that Ethel for the twentieth time had gone over with Jane all the intricately perplexing and delightful details in regard to her coming-out party next winter.

I had, the day before, literally thrown myself into his arms; he had thought right, from pure goodness of heart, to show some pity for the love of the little school-girl, so he had resolved to dance with me; but he had done, quite done he wouldn't be caught again. He would keep carefully away from coming-out balls; they were too dangerous a form of gayety. Marriage did not tempt him in the least.

Well, what Cinderella said when the prince fitted that A on her foot was a hard-luck story compared to the things I told myself. "Then Aunt Maggie says she is going to give me a coming-out banquet in the Bonton that'll make moving Vans of all the old Dutch families on Fifth Avenue. "'I've been out before, Aunt Maggie, says I. 'But I'll come out again.

"I knew her well in England. We met at one or two house parties, a year ago last fall. I was at her coming-out function, too." Then he rose. "I shall see you again," he added formally. "Now I wish to make my round of the guards." And, turning, he went striding away towards his own quarters in the vestry. Weldon looked after him thoughtfully. Then he uttered terse judgment.

"There isn't a girl of my age who dresses as horridly as I do. I tell you, Mr. Tappan has got to let me have money enough to dress decently. If he doesn't, I I'll begin to give him as much trouble as Scott does more, too!" She set her teeth and stared at her glass of water. "What about my coming-out gown?" she asked. "I have written him about your début," said Kathleen soothingly. "Oh!

What can you expect of a girl who was allowed to wear black satin at her coming-out ball?" "Ah don't I remember her in it!" said Mr. Jackson; adding: "Poor girl!" in the tone of one who, while enjoying the memory, had fully understood at the time what the sight portended. "It's odd," Janey remarked, "that she should have kept such an ugly name as Ellen. I should have changed it to Elaine."

"And when you was a young lady I crept up to the south window of the Poplars and saw you in your dress for the big coming-out party. You were like an angel from Heaven and I loved you. I wanted to be like you. All us girls did. They have always envied you and watched you, but I loved you. I did! I did, but what chanct has a girl like me got against a man who's like like you are?

Think of the amusements past counting you planned for me, the excursions you've let me share with you our delicious drives, and above all my coming-out dance." Whereat Mrs. Frayling disclaimingly shook her very pretty head. "In pleasing you I have merely pleased myself, dearest, so in that there's no merit. Though I do plead guilty to but languid enthusiasm for girls of your age as a rule.

There were reasons why a certain article descriptive of a great whaleback steamer taking on grain for famine-stricken India should be written that day, and Rivers wanted his afternoon free in order to go to Laurie Flagg's coming-out tea.