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"Well! here are the Jacobins coming-out of their convent, and ranging themselves along the walls." "Listen!" cried the duchess. They began to hear from afar a noise like thunder. "It is cavalry!" cried the duchess; "they are bringing him, we have him at last;" and she clapped her hands in the wildest joy. "Yes," said Mayneville, "I hear a carriage and the gallop of horses."

"She's not long sighted, that's sure," replied Eliphalet, with emphasis. At dinner Stephen was tried still further. And it was then he made the determination to write for the newspapers in order to pay the rent on Mr. Brinsmade's house. Miss Carvel's coming-out party was the chief topic. "They do say the Colonel is to spend a sight of money on that ball," said Mrs. Abner Reed.

She brought her on here, and brought her out; I was at the coming-out tea; but the girl didn't take to the New York thing at all; I could see it from the start; she wanted to get away from it with me, and talk about the ranch." "She felt that she was with the only genuine person among those conventional people."

The friend must guess the name of the sender within a week, or the latter demands a gift. Confirmation means coming-out in Denmark. As this is the greatest festival of youth, the young folk are loaded with presents; then girls put up their hair and boys begin to smoke.

What have you been doing all these years?" "Well," said Alice, smiling, "the history of my life is yet to be written, but the main facts up to the present are that I have safely passed through school and most of my other childhood diseases; that I had my coming-out ball in New York last winter; that I am happy, and most important of all that I have Eleanor." She took Mrs.

Having concentrated his troops at Atlanta by the 14th of November, he commenced his march, threatening both Augusta and Macon. His coming-out point could not be definitely fixed. Having to gather his subsistence as he marched through the country, it was not impossible that a force inferior to his own might compel him to head for such point as he could reach, instead of such as he might prefer.

So when David Marshall came, in the dress-coat that had not seen the light for over a year, and Eliza Marshall, in the plum-colored silk whose only recent airing had been at Rosy's coming-out, they had little to contend against save the house itself and its furnishings. Jane accompanied them. "Tom Bingham is going to take you out," Mrs. Bates announced. "He is very much interested in you.

"Nancy's coming-out party was to be in the barn this summer; that's one of the things we're earning money for; or at least we make believe that it is, because it's so much more fun to work for a party than for coal or flour or meat!" A look from Mrs.

"Yes, I've noticed that," said Mavick, with a good-natured laugh, in which Carmen joined, "and those times usually coincide with the times that you want something specially." "You ought to be ashamed to take me up that way. I just wanted to talk about the coming-out reception. You know I had come over to your opinion that seventeen was perhaps better than eighteen, considering Evelyn's maturity.

It could figure her income down to a paltry hundred of the actual amount. It knew her age to the month and day. In fact, it had kept her calendar faithfully, from her coming-out party, through the periods of mourning for her parents and her subsequent returns to society, through the rumors of her engagements to half a dozen young leaders at home and abroad, down to her latest conquest.