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Hooper had known Marshall for many years, and his reminiscences of the discoverer have a touch of pathos bordering on the tragic. Marshall, a trapper by trade and frontiersman by inclination, accompanied General Sutter to California, assisted in the building of Sutter Fort and, on account of his mechanical ability, was sent to Coloma to superintend the erection of a sawmill.

Then came from the mounted men another wild outburst as they all yelled together, "Viva el General Santa Coloma viv a." The other three men then rushed from the kitchen, and in excited tones began to ask if anything fresh had happened. Meanwhile I was left standing at the door by myself.

"Your ardent love of your country is a beautiful sentiment," I remarked somewhat indiscreetly, "but is General Santa Coloma so necessary to its welfare?" She looked offended and did not reply. "You are a stranger in our country, senor, and do not quite understand these things," said the mother gently. "Dolores must not forget that.

In these circumstances it is your safest plan to go with us to El Molino, where General Santa Coloma is collecting his forces, and you will then be able to explain your position to him." "I refuse to go to El Molino," I said angrily, exasperated at his treachery. "You will then compel us to take you there," he returned.

The same thing occurred as to the gold-mines. He never took a title to a town lot, unless it was one, of no real value, from Alcalde Colton, in Monterey, of which I have never heard since. He did take a share in the store which Warner, Beator, and I, opened at Coloma, paid his share of the capital, five hundred dollars, and received his share of the profits, fifteen hundred dollars.

During this voyage a fellow passenger with Borrow was the Marques de Santa Coloma. Borrow now found himself in his allotted field unhappy, miserable, distracted Spain. Gomez, the Carlist leader, had been sweeping through Estremadura like a pestilence, and Borrow fully expected to find Seville occupied by his banditti; but Carlists possessed no terrors for him.

"I know you are a rebel. If I thought the Alcalde were not coming I would run you through at once and cut your throat afterwards. It is a virtue to kill a Blanco traitor, and if you do not go bound hand and foot from here then here you must die. What, do you dare to say that I did not see you at San Paulo that you are not an officer of Santa Coloma?

In 1841 the Indians near San Fernando Mission washed out gold from the river-sands, and other mines were found not far from Los Angeles. But James W. Marshall was the man who started the great excitement of '48 and '49 by finding small pieces of gold at a place now called Coloma, on the American River.

"Awake at last!" cried Don Juan pleasantly. "Come and drink mate. Wife just been crying, you see." She made a sign for him to hold his peace. "Why not speak of it, Candelaria?" he said. "Where is the harm? You see, my wife thinks you have been in the wars a Santa Coloma man running away to save his throat." "How does she make that out?" I asked in some confusion and very much surprised. "How!

The same thing occurred as to the gold-mines. He never took a title to a town lot, unless it was one, of no real value, from Alcalde Colton, in Monterey, of which I have never heard since. He did take a share in the store which Warner, Beator, and I, opened at Coloma, paid his share of the capital, five hundred dollars, and received his share of the profits, fifteen hundred dollars.