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How I used to wish they would come near enough to my cage that I might converse with them, but it always happened that just at the time when one of them would settle close to the house, either Joe's little dog, Colly, would run across the yard, or Betty or her mother would appear at the door and frighten my feathered friend away.

I began, then, to run after Colly, as fast as my trembling limbs would let me; and in about five minutes I came to the place where my poor husband was lying on the grass. Colly was standing close to him, licking his hand, just as if he had been telling him that help would soon come to his relief.

You Scatch are the thrue rid-tape of society." "Never mind, Colly!" interposed Blount; "there's no time to listen to Terry's badinage. We're all too sleepy for jesting: tell us what you've got in your mind?" "All of ye do as you see me, and I'll be your bail, ye'll sleep sound till the dawn o' the day. Goodnight!"

I think Colly deserving to be loved very much, by every body that hears the story. I will tell it to papa and mamma; and I am sure they will admire Colly's sagacity and affection for his master." Mr.

"Why, that's only business, Colly," interposed Uncle Dick quickly; "that's all Jim Parker means; he's a business man, don't you see. Suppose we got killed! You've that draft to show." "Show who?" growled Collinson. "Why, hang it! our friends, our heirs, our relations to get your money, hesitated Uncle Dick.

I've no langer any wonder at his taking a' this trouble wi' the blackey bairn." "What is it, Bill? What have you learnt now?" asked Terrence and Harry, in a breath. "I've larnt why Colly could not eat his dinner yesterday." "Well, why was it?" "I've larnt that the nager's anger with Colly is all a pretince, an' that she is an old she-schemer."

Count Hohenzollern, a young man, wild, fierce, and arrogant, scarcely twenty-three years of age, arrived in Paris on the 7th of September, with a train of forty horsemen. De Colly, agent of the Elector-Palatine, had received an outline of his instructions, which the Prince of Anhalt had obtained at Prague. He informed Henry that Hohenzollern would address him thus: "You are a king.

Henry was much pleased with this opportune communication by de Colly of the private instructions to the Emperor's envoy, by which he was enabled to meet the wild and fierce young man with an arrogance at least equal to his own. The interview was a stormy one. The King was alone in the gallery of the Louvre, not choosing that his words and gestures should be observed.

She bade me go out and give Colly a walk; for he is quite stupid, and even ill, for want of his usual exercise on the hills; so I thought I would come down the glen and see the place where my daddy fell; and, do you know the sensible beast ran directly up to the place, and lifted up in his mouth my daddy's whip, which had been left there, I suppose, ever since that terrible night. Look at it.

Henry was much pleased with this opportune communication by de Colly of the private instructions to the Emperor's envoy, by which he was enabled to meet the wild and fierce young man with an arrogance at least equal to his own. The interview was a stormy one. The King was alone in the gallery of the Louvre, not choosing that his words and gestures should be observed.