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Tom and Colly were lying at his feet on the hearth. We were saying, what a dreadful night it was. The rain and wind were beating against the cottage, and making it almost shake; when, between the blasts, I thought I heard the sound of a voice, calling David. I listened, and very soon there came a violent knocking at the door.

My old butler, the servant who admitted Ferrari and myself within the gates, had an expression of weariness and injury on his aged features which he had not worn in my time, and which I was sorry to see. And my dog, the noble black Scotch colly, what had become of him, I wondered?

"You can't deny as it's tripe night." "Here, Lydia, open the door and let him out," cried Mrs. Jenkins, waving her hand imperatively towards it. "And what have you been at with your face again?" continued she, as the candle held by that damsel reflected its light. "One can't see it for colly. If I do put you into that mask I have threatened, you won't like it, girl.

I could have made it in half the time." "Ah, you think so, my lad, just the same as I might think I could ha' mended your broken colly bone. But I couldn't, and I wouldn't offer to, and of course I don't want the doctor to meddle with my work." "It's horrible to watch you," said Carey, pettishly. "I get sick of seeing you." "Do you, now?" said Bostock, smiling; but he shook his head.

"What ye be afther sayin' about the woman," said Bill, "minds me o' a little story I wunce heeard whin I was a boy. I read it in a book called the Bible. It was about a young man, somethin' like Master Colly, barrin' his name was Joseph. A potter's wife tuck a fancy to him; but Joseph, bein' a dacent an' honest youngster, treated her wid contimpt, an' came to great grief by doin' that same.

"Nonsense, Bill; that is all a fancy of yours," said Colin, who, with the child on his shoulders, was now walking alongside his companions. "It is no fancy of mine, mon," answered Bill, "but a fancy o' the woman for a bra' fair luddie. What is it that she gives you to eat, Maister Colly?"

And yet it was evident from his manner that he had not quite determined as to how they were to die. The two guards, with the muskets in their grasp, kept a sharp eye on the slaves; while Golah became engaged in a close consultation with Fatima. "What shall we do?" asked Terence; "the old villain means mischief, and how can we prevent it? We must not let him kill poor Colly."

Now don't you boys be so foolish as to get yersels into trouble on my account. All ye've got to do is to look on, an' ye'll larn somethin'. If I've no youth an' beauty, like Colly, to bring me good luck, I've age and experience, and I'll get it by schamin'."