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We're all so crowded together here in England. All the professions are chock-full with people waitin' to squeeze in somewhere. Give me the new big countries! England is too old and small. A fellow with my temperament can hardly turn round and take a full breath in an island our size.

"I say, Mrs Nash," cried my adversary, "who's this kid? We don't want him here." "You'll have to have him whether you want him or not," replied Mrs Nash, in her usual gracious way. "He's a lodger here." "What do you want to shove another lodger in for when you know we're chock-full?" demanded the youth. "You hold your tongue, Mr Jackanapes," replied Mrs Nash.

"Louie," she said, "knows more than I do." Frances thought: Was Grannie really stupid? Was she really innocent? Was she not, rather, clever, chock-full of the secret wisdom and the secret cruelty of sex? Frances was afraid of her thoughts. They came to her not like thoughts, but like quick rushes of her blood, partly confusing her. She did not like that.

The days sped by, and the baby robins grew so fast that very soon the four filled the nest chock-full, and so one day Robert Robin was not much surprised to see two of them standing up in the nest. "Sit down at once, children!" he said. "You might fall out and frighten your mother!"

I felt cold, for the night had turned foggy, and I was tryin' to make up my mind to climb down and get a bit nearer to the fire when a most awful yellin' arose, and the next second the place was chock-full of leapin' and howlin' niggers flourishin' great clubs and spears, and bowlin' over our chaps as fast as they got up on to their feet.

And all the work affected by that feed-wire waits till the fixing is done. The spirit atmosphere in which we live is full, chock-full, of cross-currents. And a man has to be keenly alert to keep his feed-wire clear. If it be crossed, or grounded, away goes the power, while he may be wondering why. What are some of the cross-currents that threaten to draw the power of the feed-wire?

Two hundred and fifty pounds a time from the Daily Oracle for thumbnail sketches of the Human Firebrand! Lord, what is any one depressed for in this country! It's chock-full of humour. If I lived here long, I should be fat." He looked downward at his figure with complacency. Julia laughed softly. "Aren't you fat now?" she asked. "Immense," he confessed, "but it's nothing to what I could be.

She's chock-full of poison because she never knows when to stop eating," said Kenneth, with fraternal gallantry. He returned to his own thoughts, presently adding, "Why don't you borrow a dress from Isabel?" "Isabel?" Ella considered it, brightened. "Isabel Wallace," she said, in sudden approval. "That's exactly what I'll do!"

And I'm a fool and a slob and a mutt-head even when I'm not chock-full of lightning, as you call it! But if there's ever anything I can do for you!" "What did you say?" muttered little Eve Edgarton. "I said you were a brick!" repeated Barton a bit irritably. "Oh, no, I didn't mean that," mused the girl. "But what was the last thing you said?" "Oh!" grinned Barton more cheerfully.

She knew from past experience that the children would rather have half a dozen small things than one big thing. The worsted stockings, too, which had been knit in a bygone age, by the celebrated Mrs. Simpson, the inventor of the sprig, were deep and long. They took a great deal of filling, and Grannie knew what keen disappointment would be the result if each stocking was not chock-full.