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Updated: August 21, 2024

They'll be sperrits, Oi thinks, if Oi don't misremimber, ez can take ony shape they plaizes!" "Oh, spirits?" exclaimed the other man chaffingly, thinking he was going to pull Mick's leg a bit. "What sort o' spirits, my lad is it rum, or gin, or whisky, now, you mean?" Mick did not reflect a bit, but came out pat with his answer.

The old prince was in a good temper and very gracious to Pierre. Before supper, Prince Andrew, coming back to his father's study, found him disputing hotly with his visitor. Pierre was maintaining that a time would come when there would be no more wars. The old prince disputed it chaffingly, but without getting angry.

Beale Farange, for Miss Overmore, was now never anything but "he," and the house was as full as ever of lively gentlemen with whom, under that designation, she chaffingly talked about him. Maisie meanwhile, as a subject of familiar gossip on what was to be done with her, was left so much to herself that she had hours of wistful thought of the large loose discipline of Mrs.

And he laughed, while Kona, grinning with glee, declared chaffingly that the Prince had fallen in love with her. The subject, however, was not further pursued, but now and then Omar would express a hope that she had returned in safety to her father, or wonder why she had been working in his cause, his words showing plainly that his head was still filled with thoughts of our pretty visitor.

When uncomplimentary remarks were made about it, Lars Peter would chaffingly declare that he could skim the milk three times, and then there was nothing but cream left. He was very fond of it, and more so for the good milk it had given the little ones. One corner of the outhouse was boarded off for the pig. It too had heard him, and stood waiting for him to come and scratch its neck.

The priests used to tap at my door when I came back from the battlefields all muddy, with a slime-plastered face, writing furiously, and an old padre used to plague me like that, saying: "What news? It goes well, eh? Not too well, perhaps! Alas! it is a slaughter on both sides." "It is all your fault," I said once, chaffingly, to get rid of him. "You do not pray enough."

"That, sir, has nothing to do with it." Harry Tristram looked up at him. For the first time he broke into a smile as he studied Duplay's face. "I shouldn't in the least wonder," he said almost chaffingly, "if you believed that to be true. Everybody knows that you're after Miss Iver yourself, and yet you say that it has nothing to do with it!

"The poor fellows must be precious dry with all that cutting about up and down the ratlines, and I wouldn't mind a glass of grog myself." "No, really, you don't mean that!" said Larkyns chaffingly. "Wouldn't you prefer a cup of tea, now?" "Cup of tea be hanged!" rejoined the master's mate, angrily. "You youngsters of the present day are always thinking of your tea, like a lot of blessed old women!

Radmore was impressed, disagreeably so, in spite of himself; but: "Look here, Timmy," he said chaffingly. "The Greeks have a proverb about the bearer of ill-tidings; don't let yourself ever become that, old man! Have you ever heard, by the by, about 'the long arm of coincidence'?" Timmy nodded. "Don't you think it possible that your having dreamt about Dr.

They mopped their eyes and coughed, and were deeply moved when the puppets gasped, and gulped, and roared, and fainted away in accordance with the hallowed tragic ritual. "And people say the French are gay!" exclaimed Christophe as they left the theater. "There's a time for everything," said Sylvain Kohn chaffingly. "You wanted virtue. You see, there's still virtue in France."

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