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And I, to whom the sight of blood is an agony unendurable, have lived with aching heart through it all and envied the dead their rest on your battlefields " He stopped suddenly and fixed John with a keen look: "You'll stand by me, now, boy, through thick and thin?" "I'd count it an honor to die for you " "All right. I give you the chance. I'm going to send you on a dangerous mission.

But he was a keen soldier, and had frequently represented his country at the German and other manoeuvres, and had been Adjutant-General at the inauguration of President Roosevelt, a very honourable position indeed. So he was intensely interested in old forts and battlefields, and his enthusiasm while in Peshawar and the Khaiber Pass was boundless.

He made Washington a long visit at Mount Vernon, went over the old battlefields, and met his old comrades. In 1824, it was known that Lafayette, now an old man, longed to visit once more the American people and the scenes he loved so well. Congress at once requested President Monroe to invite him as the nation's guest. Forty years had wrought a marvelous change in America.

Indeed, we were but two great boys beside him, for he had been everywhere and seen everything; and of an evening he would chatter away in his limping English until he took us clean from the plain kitchen and the little farm steading, to plunge us into courts and camps and battlefields and all the wonders of the world.

I had gone over battlefields, witnessed revolutions, civil wars, rebellions, emeutes and massacres; stood close to the condemned murderer to record his last struggles and last sighs; but never had I been called to record anything that moved me so much as this man's woes and sufferings, his privations and disappointments, which now were poured into my ear.

He pleaded for peace with the rebels, and from the event of the great battle near Manassas he drew an augury of defeat to the cause of the Government on future battlefields.

To be compelled by considerations of health to pass these by was enough to damp the liveliest optimist. Mr. Peters had suffered terribly. Occasions of feasting and revelry like the present were for him so many battlefields, on which greed fought with prudence. All through dinner he brooded on Ashe's defiance and the horrors which were to result from that defiance. One of Mr.

You say how often you tell yourselves that the same moon looks down on me; it does, but on a scene how different! We advance over old battlefields everything is blasted. If you start digging, you turn up what's left of something human. If there were any grounds for superstition, surely the places in which I have been should be ghost-haunted. One never thinks about it.

I thought of the relic hunters and the relic buyers on the battlefields of our civil war. "Seventeen hundred and sixty is long ago," I said. "Respect for the dead can never die," said Fortin. "And the English soldiers came here to kill your fathers and burn your homes," I continued.

But for some evil deed he had been condemned to begin again his earthly life, to live by the work of his hands, without the knowledge of the strength of his spirit. But now his grief had broken his spirit's chains. His soul was a newly released bird. Timid and confused, but still rejoicing in its freedom, it flew onward over the old battlefields.