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"Ain't we grand!" sang out Dad, chaffingly, when I presently reappeared below in all the glory of my new uniform as a naval cadet.

"'You incorrigible gamblers, said Roger chaffingly to them, when he found them at the tables. "'We are not gambling, said Christine freezingly; 'we are looking on. "'I DON'T think, said Roger knowingly; 'of course you're a syndicate and aunt is putting the stakes on for all of you. Anyone can tell by your looks when the wrong horse wins that you've got a stake on.

"It certainly looks more tempting than your plunge into mud. A pleasant change, I should say," remarked Alf chaffingly. Then he added merrily: "But are you sure that you can stand it? It won't do to exert yourself too much yet. Old Mackintosh expects you to rest." "That's all right. I shan't muck about very much. I can take it easy. As a matter of fact, I am sure that a plunge will buck me up."

"Ah, my dear Doctor!" he would say chaffingly, "give me knowledge practically acquired experience! experience! experience! and practical men!"

Having possessed himself of a modicum of prairie hen, he intercepted a tumbler of champagne cup just being handed across the table to Captain Delamere. "Confound it, that's mine!" said the aggrieved individual. "I want it for a lady," urged Bertie. "So do I," said Delamere. "My dear fellow," said Bertie, chaffingly, nodding towards a gorgeous American, "it is for Mrs. Commissioner Duloe.

Alaric watched his mother go out of the room and then he slouched over to Peg and grinned chaffingly down at her. "ORIGINAL-SIN, eh? That's a good 'un." Peg looked up at him and a dangerous gleam came into her eyes. Alaric was not going to mock at her and get away unscathed. All unconscious of his danger, Alaric went on: "Study all the pretty maps and things."

Makes a man sort of want his breakfast to see that hungry look in your eyes. Share the provender, won't you?" Billy looked up sedately. "You fellows think my life's a game," he said. "But I tell you it takes some doing to keep in touch with things." Blake laughed chaffingly. "And the illustrated weekly papers are an excellent substitute for Blue-books?" Billy remained undisturbed.

It is the only thing I really like about this country: the babies and the manner in which they are understood. On our way we meet our married friends of the Triomphante, who, much surprised at seeing me with this mousko, chaffingly exclaim: "What! a son already?" Down in the town, we make a point of bidding good-by to Chrysanthème at the turning of the street where her mother lives.

Remove your superfluous carcass till further notice. Vamoose, my son, do you hear?" This excitedly from Peregrine Ditton. They reached the fountain. Damaris stayed her measured walk, and stood gazing at the jet of water in its uprush and myriad sparkling fall. Ellice answered chaffingly yet with an underlying growl; and the dispute threatened to wax warm.

"Oh yes he will," said Joe Jellaby, chaffingly, "and probably, he'll bury you, too, for joy at seeing your pleasant face again all for love, my man." Mr Isaacs, however, got furious at this and used such abusive language both to "Downy" and the lieutenant that the latter gave orders at last for him to be shown over the side.