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"Che vuole?" answered a sleepy voice. "Come here." In a moment a languid figure appeared round the corner. Maurice explained matters. Instantly Gaspare became a thing of quicksilver. He darted to help Hermione. Every nerve seemed quivering to be useful. "And the signore?" he said, presently, as he carried a trunk into the room. "The signore!" said Hermione. "Is he going, too?"

Yesterday, while I was eating my dinner, I heard Filomena's story. She came to Rome last December: "You think I came because Maria wanted to help mother. I came to Rome because there was a man who wanted to marry me." "What was his name?" "His name was Peppe." "Lo mi' amore, che si chiama Peppe."... "Ah, I do not love him at all. No, the thing is that at Camerino all the men beat their wives.

E cosí stando, essendo Rustico, piú che mai, nel suo disidero acceso, per lo vederla cosí bella, venue la resurrezion della carne; la quale riguardando Alibech, e maravigliatasti, disse: Rustico, quella che cosa è, che io ti veggio, che cosí si pigne in fuori, e non l' ho io? O figliuola mia, disse Rustico, questo è il diavolo, di che io t'ho parlato, e vedi tu ora: egli mi d

Men's thoughts, in this region, seemed to centre night and day upon the tapis vert, and at the entrance of this salon was that fatal chamber, over which might have been written the famous line of Dante, "Voi che entrate lasciate ogni speranza." The reader will at once understand that I am referring to the gambling-house, the so-called "hell" of modern society.

For some reason she was almost in tears. 'No, I have not worked for hunger, she replied, 'but I have worked! 'Travaille lavorato? he asked. 'E che lavoro che lavoro? Quel travail est-ce que vous avez fait? He broke into a mixture of Italian and French, instinctively using a foreign language when he spoke to her. 'You have never worked as the world works, he said to her, with sarcasm.

All the degraded like to show off the remains of their accomplishments, and you may hear some odious being warbling. "Ah, che la morte!" with quite the air of a leading tenor.

The veteran already felt upon his brow a wreath formed of the flowers of gratitude, and as he strode he was absorbed in planning a calm and self-contained manner of wearing it. "Hol' on a minnet!" piped old Peter in the rear. At last the major, aroused from his dream of triumph, turned about wrathfully. "Well, what?" "Now, look a' here," said Peter. "What 'che goin' t' do?"

Ruskin when he says that Scott "never knew 'l'amor che move 'l sol e l' altre stelle." He whose heart was "broken for two years," and retained the crack till his dying day, he who, when old and tired, and near his death, was yet moved by the memory of the name which thirty years before he had cut in Runic characters on the turf at the Castle-gate of St.

The passage is this: Dell' Inferno: Canto xxiii. 25-27: E quei: 'S'io fossi d'impiombato vetro, L'immagine di fuor tua non trarrei Piu tosto a me, che quella dentro impetro.

Besides which, I am a capital housekeeper. If Benedetto had behaved properly, we should have had a good home, per che, I know how to make one; and I've another great talent too!" She ran to a guitar, which was hanging on the wall, and began to sing a bravura air, accompanying herself with singular energy.