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Fui molto contenta udendo che finalmente le sia giunto l'involto contenente le copie stampate del Carme, ch' ebbi l'onore di poterle offerire, mentre io era in gran pensiero non forse fossero insorte difficolt

And the boy, never regarding him at all, strolled on with the mellow taste of the fruit he had just enjoyed in his mouth, and presently, as if inspired thereby, awoke the slumbering echoes of the street with his high, fluting young treble, singing, "Che faro senza Eurydice!"

"I reckon that ghost story, was started, by somebody who wanted, to keep the wealth of che mountain to himself," observed Tom. "I don't believe in ghosts, do you, Cujo?" The tall African shrugged his ebony shoulders, "Maybe no ghost but if dare is, no want to see 'um," he said laconically. Nevertheless he did not object to leading them in the direction of the supposedly haunted mountain.

The nave, transept, and dome are most beautifully decorated with paintings, frescoes, and sculpture by Italy's greatest master, of whom Ariosto truly says "Michael, piu che mortal, angel divino." Altogether it is one of the most beautiful Cathedrals I have ever seen, more particularly in its external architecture.

'Ah! he thought, 'Indian summer that's all! and he said: "You haven't played me 'Che faro." She did not answer; did not move. He was conscious of something some strange upset. Suddenly he saw her rise and turn away, and a pang of remorse shot through him. What a clumsy chap! Like Orpheus, she of course she too was looking for her lost one in the hall of memory!

All eyes turned upon the bereaved Orpheus. The empress opened her arms, and completely subdued, he darted to his mother's heart, and cried out, "Che faro senza Eurydice!" Again and again the mother kissed her weeping son. The emperor folded them both to his loving heart. The brothers and sisters wept for mingled grief and joy. Elizabeth's voice failed her, and she sang no more.

Fate il passo secondo il gamba don't stretch your legs farther than the bedcover goes, and don't do more, nor less, than what is right for your Marianna. Don't shut her up like a prisoner. Don't turn your house into a gaol. Asino punto convien che trotti one who has started on the road must go along.

National character is a great matter: I did not know there had been such a difference in the ways of thinking, merely from custom and climate, as I see there is; though one has always read of it: it was however entertaining enough to hear a travelled gentleman haranguing away three nights ago at our house in praise of English cleanliness, and telling his auditors how all the men in London, that were noble, put on a clean shirt every day, and the women washed the street before his house-door every morning. "Che schiavitù mai!" exclaimed a lady of quality, who was listening: "ma natural mente far

You know what we Florentines say: Siena Di tre cose e piena: Torri, campane, E figli di putane." "I admit that Siena is deficient in certain points," I replied. "That wonderful dome of yours, for example there is nothing like it here." "No, indeed. Ah, that cupola! Ah, Brunelleschi che genio!" "I perceive you are a true Florentine.

He felt that he had done his duty, and that he was now properly respected by one whom he looked up to and of whom he was not merely the servant, but also the lawful guardian. They went up to the cottage singing in the morning sunshine. "Signorino! Signorino!" Maurice lifted his head lazily from the hands that served it as a pillow, and called out, sleepily: "Che cosa c'é?"