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"Etre soul au monde est bien ouneeyoung," she would say, glancing up at a print of a French carbineer in a green coat and brass cuirass which decorated her apartment "Depend upon it when Master Pendennis goes to College, his Ma will find herself very lonely. She is quite young yet. You wouldn't suppose her to be five-and-twenty.

So they advanced silently through the rocks and bushes under the uncertain light of the moon, which was just setting. It was two o'clock. The Boer sentries must have been fast asleep. There was only one challenge. An old man's voice from behind suddenly cried in Dutch: "Halt! who goes there?" One of the Volunteers a Carbineer answered, "Friend." "Hermann," cried the sentry. "Who's that? Wake up.

Yet as he turned to take up the oars he saw that he had been discovered by the Ecuadoreans on the freighter's deck, that his flight was not to be as simple as he had expected. He saw the lean brown face, picked out by the white light, as a carbineer swung his short-barreled rifle out over the rail and the man in the surf-boat knew by that face what was coming.

To talk to her of reason was to talk of honesty and courtesy to a revenue carbineer when he proposes to find contraband where there is none, to plead with her would be useless, to deceive her worse there was no way out of the difficulty but to send the challenge. "But how? Suppose he receives me with violence?" he soliloquized, as he paced to and fro. "Suppose I find him with his señora?

No, I beg pardon! a carbineer; but no matter. Mr. O'Malley, Mr. Minchin; Captain Dounie, Mr. O'Malley. You'll dine with us to-day, and to-morrow you shall be entered at the mess." "Yours are at Santarem, I believe?" said an old, weather-beaten looking officer with one arm. "I'm ashamed to say, I know nothing whatever of them; I received my gazette unexpectedly enough." "Ever in Cork before, Mr.

An assassin attempted the life of a carbineer; his companions, inflamed with anger, pursued him and caught him in a church. They then volunteered their most resolute efforts at repression. They were ordered to sally forth, arrest and disarm the ruffians.

They are the sternest and most uncompromising guardians of the law that I know. You can expostulate with a London bobbie, you can argue with a Paris gendarme, you can on occasion reason mildly with a New York policeman, but not with an Italian carbineer. To give them back talk is to invite immediate and serious trouble.

The report was made up of such items as "A fisherman named Lesieur called Carbineer Ferrier a fool in the market-place at eleven minutes after two this afternoon; he has not been arrested, but is being watched," and generally gave John a few minutes of mild enjoyment. Certainly he could not recollect that it had ever depressed him.

Aspromonte, the roughest corner of Italy, is no place for misunderstandings; the knife decides promptly who is right or wrong, and only two weeks ago I was warned not to cross the district without a carbineer on either side of me. But to have clothed my thoughts in words during his gracious mood would have been supremely unethical.

Adendorff, and a carbineer, were seen galloping wildly towards the ponts. On coming to the bank of the river, they shouted to Lieut. Chard to take them across, and so soon as he reached them, they communicated to him the terrifying news that the general's camp had been captured and destroyed by a Zulu impi. A few minutes later a message arrived from Lieut.