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Updated: August 20, 2024

He staid some time, and then returned with a pair of oxen, which he was driving before him. "Here's the oxen, master!" "Where are the yokes, Paddy?" "The yokes! by the powers, is that what they call beef in Canady?" Poor Paddy had been a weaver all his live-long days.

"You see, even the dinner was ready for you," he said with a wink; "see how you like it." With a gesture of impatience he pushed aside the menu, squared his arms on the table, and looked suddenly at his pursuer with the deviltry of a schoolboy glistening in his eyes. "Well, Bub, I went into your all-fired Canady!" "So you did why?"

"So ye've not haird?" gasped the fat young woman delightedly. "Feyther's deid o' his dropsy, and Alec and me's awa' to Canady this day fortnight." She panted it out with so honest a joy in the commotion, so innocent a disregard of the tragedy of death and emigration, that Yaverland and Ellen had to turn away and laugh; and he drew her across the road to the cottage.

I do not think I can do better than introduce you to our mess on the very morning of this halt, when, after cooling myself with a pipe, just the same as I should have warmed myself with a pipe if it had been in Canady or Nova Scotia, I walked up to find all ready for breakfast, and Mrs Bantem making the tea.

There's been nights and days when I've most died; if I can only get into Canady there won't none of 'em git me. "Ed and I had about eleven dollars between us. 'That will get you there, Bob, I said, 'if you look sharp and don't take risks and keep to the timber. We gave him the eleven dollars and what cartridges and matches we could spare, and what was left of the deer.

Young gentlemen of a romantic turn of mind, who air botherin' their heads as to how they can spend their father's money, had better see Quebeck. Altogether I like Canady. Good people and lots of pretty girls.

We've got jiggers in every chamber where the water spirts out. Besides turnin' the injin John drives the horses in the new carriage. Dr. Canady looks poorly, and yet madam purrs round him like a kitten, but I knows the claws is thar. She's about broke him of usin' them maxims of his, and your poor marm would enjoy it a spell seein' him paid off, but she'd pity him after a while.

"I don't know no more about it, Cunnil, than a pore, ignorant gal would, you know. I've hearn my grandfather was a lord. A gypsy woman enticed his son and he married her. His father drove him from his door, an' his wife fetched him on her money to Canady, where she went into the smugglin' business at St. John's, half-way between Montreal and the United States."

As for Boyd, he yawned, and I most devoutly wished us all elsewhere, yet lost no word of his distressing tale: "God prosper long our King and Queen, Our lives and safeties all; A sad misfortune once there did Schenectady befall. "From forth the woods of Canady The Frenchmen tooke their way, The people of Schenectady To captivate and slay.

Long stubs of dead pine loomed in the dim, golden afterglow, their stark limbs arching high in the heavens like mullions in a great Gothic window. "When we git nigh shore over yender," said my companion, "don't believe we better hev a grea' deal t' say. I ain't a-goin' t' be tuk by a jugful not ef I can help it. Got me 'n a tight place one night here 'n Canady." "Ah, m'sieu', in Canada!

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