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He looked behind and computed the value of the carrier's load, divining the contents of the brown-paper parcels and the portly hamper, and briefly setting down the grand piano in the brand-new piano-case as 'difficult to get rid of'. He looked before, and spied at the corner of the green lane a little country public-house embowered in roses.

Tom Ryfe had plenty of time to revolve his speculations, matrimonial and otherwise, during his journey to Ecclesfield Manor by one of those mid-day trains so irritating to through-passengers, which stop at intermediate stations, dropping brown-paper parcels, and taking up old women with baskets.

She is fourteen to-day." "Fourteen! Ah!" said Mr. Dale, "a charming age. The ancients considered a woman grown-up at fourteen." "But no one is so silly in these days," said Miss Tredgold. "We know that a girl is never more childish than at fourteen. Henry, open that parcel and give Pauline what it contains." Mr. Dale dropped the brown-paper parcel at his feet. He looked at it in bewilderment.

There was a piquant admixture of love, religion, and Eastern scenery which seemed to point to a record number of editions. I took the type-script of this book with me to the Temple. Hatton was in. I flung When It Was Lurid on the table, and sat down. "What's this?" inquired Hatton, fingering the brown-paper parcel.

"Let's see," said the Major, addressing a large brown-paper covered package standing in the corner of the room, "you're the bird-cage for Lady Sylvia at The Hague. Two pounds of candles for Mrs. Harry Deepdale at Berlin; the razor blades for Sir Archibald at Prague; the Teddy bear for Marjorie; polo-balls for the Hussars at Constantinople there! I think that's the lot!

One very wet day in late autumn, Madame produced a large brown-paper bag and filled it with pears. She presented it to M. with a pretty speech of which he did not understand a word. M. was seriously embarrassed. He liked Madame and did not want to hurt her feelings; but he had before him a railway journey of some hours and then five miles on horseback.

He smoked his brown-paper cigarette slowly and with great relish while he stared, not through the bars to where the dim light of a lamp showed, but straight at the opposite steel wall of his cell. His eyes were thoughtful, dreamy, his brow was puckered. "An' there's that," he muttered as he threw away the stub of his smoke and began to roll another.

A passenger sprang out of it and advanced swiftly towards him, while the chauffeur, a heavily built, elderly man with a gray moustache, settled down like one who resigns himself to a long vigil. "Well?" asked Von Bork eagerly, running forward to meet his visitor. For answer the man waved a small brown-paper parcel triumphantly above his head.

It is hard to run swiftly as the arrow from the bow when you happen to be wearing pyjamas belonging to a grown-up person as I was but even so I beat Dicky. He said afterwards it was because his brown-paper boots came undone and tripped him up. Alice came in third. She held on the dressing-table muslin and ran jolly well. But ere we reached the fatal spot all was very nearly up with the sheep.

For that purpose it is convenient to have series of pictures in frames with movable backs, but brown-paper frames will do quite well. The pictures belonging to the stories which have been told to the children ought to have a prominent place, and if the little ones desire to have one retold they will ask for it.