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The friskiest lambs, measuring strength with each other by stiff-legged jumps, are followed by gentle bleats from their mothers, and come back after a frolic to meditate and switch their tails. The fleecy roll of a lamb's tail, and the dimples which seem to dint its first coat, the pinkness of its nose, and the drollery of its eye, are all worth watching under a cloudless Sunday sky.

An occasional bite of the goat's ear by sharp shikari teeth inspires shrill bleats sure to bring any lion lurking near in range of the hunter's rifle. At other times goat ears are spared, and the loudest-braying donkey of the caravan is picketed immediately in front of the zareba's porthole, his normal vocal activities stimulated by the occasional prod of a stick.

His bleats had failed to attract any attention. In fact the only person who had heard him at all, had been an old Goat-slave, who while browsing on the hillside with a bell round his neck, had been attracted by the cries, and creeping up to the shed, peeped through a crack to see what could be the matter. "Is there anyone near?" enquired the Goat-father in a whisper. "No.

The tortured molecules of the air in the room were so besieged by the beat of drums, the blare of trumpets, the crackle of lightning, the rumble of heavy machinery, the squawks and shrieks of horns and whistles, the rustle of autumn leaves, the machine-gun snap of popping popcorn, the clink and jingle of falling coins, and the yelps, bellows, howls, roars, snarls, grunts, bleats, moos, purrs, cackles, quacks, chirps, buzzes, and hisses of a myriad of animals, that each molecule would have thought that it was being shoved in a hundred thousand different directions at once if it had had a mind to think with.

He volunteered, however, a sad admission, that England had certainly lost something of the great nation's proper conception of Force: the meaning of it, virtue of it, and need for it. 'She bleats for a lesson, and will get her lesson. But if we have Captain Dartrey, we shall come through! So said the sparkle of Nesta's eyes. 'She is very like her father, he said to the ladies.

"They could hear little bleats of alarm from the ewes and the huddling of the flock away from them, and the bunting of the Chief Ram's horns on the cedars as he came to smell them over.

As soon as Greenfinch caught sight of the three missing friends amid the flowers she set up an extra loud bleat, whereupon all the others joined in a chorus of bleats, and the whole company came trotting towards the children.

Engaging in desultory and fragmentary conversation they listened to the trampling of feet on the floor-boards overhead Pierston full of anxiety and attentiveness, Ike awaiting the course of nature calmly. Soon they heard the feeble bleats repeated, and then the local practitioner descended and entered the room.

Steiner had many questions to ask about her brother and his family but would not disturb Fritz until he had finished supper. An old adage came into her mind as she saw them eat, "When a sheep bleats you may be sure he has no food in his mouth." She was glad to see that they heartily enjoyed their supper, and when finished she made a proposition.

I love them, in that the graceful hind conceals her timid fawn among the ferns that wave on the lone banks of many a nameless rill, threading their hills, untrodden save by the miner, or the infrequent huntsman's foot in that the noble stag frays oftentimes his antlers against their giant trees in that the mighty bear lies hushed in grim repose amid their tangled swamps in that their bushy dingles resound nightly to the long-drawn howl of the gaunt famished wolf in that the lynx and wild-cat yet mark their prey from the pine branches in that the ruffed grouse drums, the woodcock bleats, and the quail chirrups from every height or hollow in that, more strange to tell, the noblest game of trans-atlantic fowl, the glorious turkey although, like angels' visits, they be indeed but few and far between yet spread their bronzed tails to the sun, and swell and gobble in their most secret wilds.