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He seats the creature at table, where he pronounces a grace that sounds like the scream of the man in the square that used to cry mackerel, flings his meat down his throat by shovelfuls, like a dustman loading his cart, and apparently without the most distant perception of what he is swallowing, then bleats forth another unnatural set of tones by way of returning thanks, stalks out of the room, and immerses himself among a parcel of huge worm-eaten folios that are as uncouth as himself!

The Bride's mother then repeated her question to the goat family, who denied any knowledge of the Trolls with a series of terrified bleats. "There is only you, then," said the Bride's mother to the old horse. "You have served us faithfully, and we have been kind masters to you. Tell me: do you know anything of Terli or the Wood-Trolls?" "I do," said the old horse with dignity.

He seats the creature at table, where he pronounces a grace that sounds like the scream of the man in the square that used to cry mackerel, flings his meat down his throat by shovelfuls, like a dustman loading his cart, and apparently without the most distant perception of what he is swallowing, then bleats forth another unnatural set of tones by way of returning thanks, stalks out of the room, and immerses himself among a parcel of huge worm-eaten folios that are as uncouth as himself!

"Shut thy eyes, and let us have Yuke." "Iss, master: here I be." "You can bleat like a lamb; for I've heard ye." "Iss, master. I bleats beautiful;" and she showed snowy teeth from ear to ear. "Well, then, when the varmint are at our heels, draw in thy woolly head, and bleat like a young lamb. They won't turn from that, I know, the vagabonds."

"Think of a doll that can talk!" cried Faith. "I think she bleats," laughed Ernest, and he mimicked Vera's staccato tones. Faith laughed, too, but Gladys gave him a flash of her brown eyes. "A boy doesn't know anything about dolls," said Faith. "I should think you'd be the happiest girl, Gladys!" "I am," returned Gladys complacently. "What sort of a doll have you, Faith?"

If this was a new game it was certainly a very peculiar one the wild rush, the bleats of terror, gasps of agony, and the fiendish growls of attack and the sounds of ravenous gluttony. With every hair bristling, Satan rose and sprang from the woods and stopped with a fierce tingling of the nerves that brought him horror and fascination. One of the white shapes lay still before him.

"Birds of omen dark and foul, Night-crow, raven, bat, and owl, Leave the sick man to his dream All night long he heard your scream Haste to cave and ruin'd tower, Ivy, tod, or dingled bower, There to wink and mope, for, hark! In the mid air sings the lark. "Hie to moorish gills and rocks, Prowling wolf and wily fox, Hie you fast, nor turn your view, Though the lamb bleats to the ewe.

If this was a new game it was certainly a very peculiar one the wild rush, the bleats of terror, gasps of agony, and the fiendish growls of attack and the sounds of ravenous gluttony. With every hair bristling, Satan rose and sprang from the woods and stopped with a fierce tingling of the nerves that brought him horror and fascination. One of the white shapes lay still before him.

Night-time was safer for the sheep than the day, though the howling of a thousand coyotes made it hideous for the shepherds. All in a day, seemingly, the little fleecy lambs came, as if by magic, and filled the forest with piping bleats. Then they were tottering after their mothers, gamboling at a day's growth, wilful as youth and the carnage began.

"Oh, you poor little Snowflake!" exclaimed Heidi, clasping the animal gently to her, "but do not cry like that any more; see now, I shall come up here with you every day, so that you will not be alone any more, and if you want anything you have only to come to me." The young animal rubbed its head contentedly against Heidi's shoulder, and no longer gave such plaintive bleats.