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The animal surveyed us for a moment with its fierce eyes, and then made off, bellowing hoarsely. The sight of this new denizen of the forest confirmed the omens as we had already read them, and soon, accordingly, there burst upon our view an immense savannah. We were just about to pass the last shrub on the bank of the river, when l'Encuerado suddenly brought the boat to a stand-still.

A couple of his ships in James River, his stores, and a quantity of his cattle in their stalls were roasted amidst a hideous bellowing; and he got a note, as he was in Arnold's company, saying that friends had served him as he served others; and containing "Tom the Glazier's compliments to brother Jack the Painter." Nobody pitied the old man, though he went well-nigh mad at his loss.

He swelled his stream into a torrent, and swept away the many dead whom Achilles had slain and left within his waters. These he cast out on to the land, bellowing like a bull the while, but the living he saved alive, hiding them in his mighty eddies.

The elephants that were to come on next were in the door waiting for their signal, and they were scared at the crash, and they came in bellowing, the keepers having lost all control of them. The audience was stampeding, and the circus men were trying to straighten things out.

"Whee-oo!" repeated Tarzan and hurled the balance of the carcass of the deer to them. Instantly the gryfs fell upon it with much bellowing, one of them attempting to seize it and keep it from the other: but finally the second obtained a hold and an instant later it had been torn asunder and greedily devoured.

Its bellowing seemed a part of universal silence. Silence brooded here, alone, with those wild voices for an emphasis. Right and left the gorge swept out into dreadful magnificences of height and depth, and glow and shadow. Cliffs of black basalt, scarred and riven by the accidents of thousands of years, frowned like eyeless giant faces.

It was so narrow indeed that nothing could pass either in or out of it without being observed by the guard, so that neither could our cattle escape or the wild ones join them. It was clear, however, that we had cut off the latter from their favourite pasture, for at night they were bellowing all round us, and frequently approached close up to our fires.

"No, no!" said the burgomaster; "it is nearer home, and nobody is dead or dying, old friend." "God bless you, burgomaster! Ah! something has gone off my breast that was like to choke me. Now, what is the matter?" Ghysbrecht then told him all that he told the women, and showed the picture in evidence. "Is that all?" said Eli, profoundly relieved. "What are ye roaring and bellowing for?

The bellowing of the cattle and noise of the calves soon directed them to the spot, and they entered a kraal consisting of several very wretched huts. On inquiring for Daaka, a woman pointed out a hut at a little distance, and, as they dismounted and walked up, he came out to meet them.

"Hell! that sucker is trying to put it over on us!" "The bedroom shutters He's trying to escape." "For Lord's sake where's the door?" Someone found the knob in the darkness and the bedroom door was flung open. There was a scream from Laurence. Then Hipps' voice bellowing: "Great God! he's hanged himself."