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Eels, hermaphroditism of. Egerton, Sir P., on the use of the antlers of deer; on the pairing of red deer; on the bellowing of stags. Eggs, hatched by male fishes. Egret, Indian, sexes and young of. Egrets, breeding plumage of; white. Ehrenberg, on the mane of the male Hamadryas baboon. Ekstrom, M., on Harelda glacialis. Elachista rufocinerea, habits of male.

Mercury at length departs the menace of Jupiter is fulfilled the punishment is consummated and, amid storm and earthquake, both rock and prisoner are struck by the lightnings of the god into the deep abyss. "The earth is made to reel, and rumbling by, Bellowing it rolls, the thunder's gathering wrath!

It was, so to speak, an uncouth and barbarous gesture, a bestial and bellowing voice. He felt constrained to offer his services, and even before America became actually involved he was able to render valuable aid. There were delicate and dangerous missions where his tact, his diplomacy, and his shrewd, cold, unimpassioned intelligence won the stakes for which he played.

During a night storm a tall man had been seen, by a flash of lightning, standing on a cliff. Strange sounds like the cries of dying men had been heard. When the waves were high, a noise like that made by a bellowing bull was noticed. The ocean and its storms play queer pranks at times, especially at night. White bursts of foam leaping over black rocks assume ghostly shape.

Once crowded in here, the creatures were prisoned, each in a separate pen, by gates that shut, leaving them no room to turn around; and while they stood bellowing and plunging, over the top of the pen there leaned one of the "knockers," armed with a sledge hammer, and watching for a chance to deal a blow.

Jack had been but a few minutes ruminating before he was interrupted by another ruminating animal, no less a personage than a bull, who had been turned out with full possession of the orchard, and who now advanced, bellowing occasionally, and tossing his head at the sight of Caesar, whom he considered as much a trespasser as his master had our hero.

Confused, I stood blinking at him, and he at table, bibbed like a babe, mad as a hornet, hammering on the cloth with a great silver spoon and bellowing that they meant to starve him. "I don't remember how I came here," I began, then flushed furiously at my foolishness. "Remember!" he shouted. "I don't remember anything! I don't want to remember anything! I want my porridge! I want it now!

I hit him in the back, and saw him fall, then took cover behind a big tree to load again; but every other nigger had vanished, and then I heard a sound that filled me with dread for those on board the cutter the loud, hoarse bellowing of conch shells. "I ran over to the guide, who was lying where he had fallen. I don't think he was mortally wounded, for he was quite thirty yards off when I fired.

No doubt the Monk, to instil a soul-saving horror in the hearts of the faithful, would describe to the utmost of his powers "that day of wrath, that day of mourning," which is to reduce the universe to ashes, teste David et Sibylla, borrowing his deepest voice and bellowing through his hands to imitate the Archangel's last trump.

"'There is d'Aldrigger's man-servant, the old fellow bellowing away at the back of the church; he has been with them since the two young ladies were children, and he is capable of anything to keep enough together for them to live upon, said Taillefer. "Dies iroe! Dies illa! "'I shall go too; it is too damp in here, said Werbrust. "In favilla.