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Onny Passon he be a rare good man, and he do speak to the 'art of ye so wise-like and quiet, and that's why I goes to hear him and sez the prayers wot's writ for me to say and doos as he asks me to do. But if I'd been unfort'nit enough to live in the parish of Badsworth under that old liar Leveson, I'd a put my fist in his jelly face 'fore I'd a listened to a word he had to say!

Cicely joined in her laughter. "It WOULD be funny!" she said "But whatever happens, I do hope Roxmouth isn't going to drive us away from the Manor this summer. You won't let him, will you?" Maryllia hesitated a moment. "It will depend on circumstances," she said, at last "If he persists in staying at Badsworth, I must leave the neighbourhood. There's no help for it.

Sir Morton conquered an inclination to gasp for breath and say 'Damn! at the young lady's careless refusal of his invitation to dinner, Miss Tabitha secretly rejoiced. "I'm sure I don't want her at Badsworth," she said within herself, viciously "Nasty little insolent conceited thing! I believe her hair is dyed, and her complexion put on! A regular play-actress!"

Devoting himself strictly to his duties, to the care of the church, to the interests of his parishioners, young and old, to the cultivation of his garden, and to the careful preservation of all the natural beauties of the landscape around him, John lived very much the life of a 'holy man' of mediaeval days; while Sir Horton built and 'patronised' a hospital at Riversford, gave several prizes for cabbages and shooting competitions, occasionally patted the heads of a few straggling school-children, fussed round among his scattered tenantry, and wrote paragraphs about his own 'fine presence and open-hearted hospitality' for publication in the 'Riversford Gazette' whenever he entertained a house party at Badsworth Hall, which he very frequently did.

"Badsworth Hall will probably attend your ministrations, so I am told," continued Julian "Lord Roxmouth wants to hear you preach, and Sir Morton himself proposes to 'sit under' you." "Sorry for it!" said Walden abruptly "He should attend his own 'cure' Mr. Leveson." They laughed. "Of course you don't credit that story about Miss Vancourt's marriage with Lord Roxmouth?" queried Adderley, suddenly.

To Miss Tabitha Pippit she offered a chair of capacious dimensions, amply provided with large down cushons, inviting her to sit down in it with a gentleness which implied kindly consideration for her years and for the fatigue she might possibly experience as a result of the drive over from Badsworth Hall, whereat the severe spinster's chronically red nose reddened more visibly, and between her thin lips she sharply enunciated her preference for 'a higher seat, no cushions, thank you! Thereupon she selected the 'higher seat' for herself, in the shape of an old-fashioned music-stool, without back or arm-rest, and sat stiffly upon it like a draper's clothed dummy put up in a window for public inspection.

"Thanks so much!" said Maryllia, demurely "But please let it be for another time, will you? I haven't a single evening disengaged between this and the end of June! So sorry! I'll come over to tea some day, with pleasure! I know Badsworth. Dear old place! quite famous too, once in the bygone days almost as famous as Abbot's Manor itself.

He's an upstart, my dear lady take my word for it! a pretentious University prig and upstart! You'll never meet HIM at Badsworth! ha-ha-ha! Never! Sorry you can't dine on Thursday! Never mind, never mind! Another time! Good-bye!" "Good-bye!" and with a slight further exchange of salutations Maryllia found herself relieved of her visitors.

Next day at Badsworth Hall, a stately luncheon was in progress.

"I know you are angry!" he went on softly "You went away from London to avoid me, and you are vexed to see me down here. But I couldn't resist the temptation of coming. Marius Longford told me he had called upon you with Sir Morton Pippitt at Abbot's Manor, and I got him to bring me down on a visit to Badsworth Hall, only to be near you! You are looking quite lovely, Maryllia!"