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Young McB. It seems 'tis not so asy any way, now-a-days, to make a gentlewoman, Mrs. Rooney. Catty. Randal. Oh! mother, dear, don't be aggravating. Mr. Carv. Clerk, why don't you maintain silence? Catty. Go back wid yourself to your pillar, or post, and fould your arms, and stand like a fool that's in love, as you are. I beg your honour's pardon, but he's my son, and I can't help it.

How many's that?" "Nine!!!" "Very good. Now put down one wid ould' Bartle Gorman, of Cargah; an' two over wid honest Roger M'Gaugy, of Nurchasey. How-many have you now?" "Twelve in all!!!! But, Misther Connelly there's a demonstration badly wanted here. I must confis I was always bright, but at present I'm as dark as Nox. I'd thank you for a taste of explanation." "Asy, man alive!

'Oh, not in the smallest taste, says Micky; 'the breath was jist out iv him, says he, 'when I left the farm. "An", says he, "take the ould black horse," says he, "for he's shure-footed for the road," says he, "an' bring, Jim Soolivan here," says he, "for I think I'd die asy af I could see him onst," says he.

From the pump, another pipe and the girl's pumping asy, for she's to wash to-morrow, and knows nothing about it; and so the big veshel she fills with water, wondering what ails the water that it don't come and I set one boy and another to help her and the pump's bewitched, and that's all: so that's settled. Pat. And cliverly. Oh! counshillor, we are a match for the shuper any day or night. O'Bla.

Have ye none of the owld blood left round your heart, that you'll not kick him out of the house, for a pettifogging schaming blackguard!" and Larry got up as though he meant to have a kick at the attorney himself. "Be asy, father, and let him go of himself; he'll go fast enough now. Sit down awhile; sit down till I come back," and Thady followed the attorney down the steps on to the gravel road.

But his dad and Elinor needed him, too; so he supposed he would have to wait yet. Porky, rolling around on the grass, felt the paper rustle in his pocket. "Here, Asy," he said. "You ought to be in on this. I'm going to let you carry this paper. It is very important indeed." Asa beamed, but as usual said nothing. It was fine to be in on things. It made him feel important.

I wanted the fresh air, but I would not make a noise to open the window, for fear I'd waken the crathurs. It was very dark, and throublesome to find the door; but at last I did get it, and I groped my way out, and went down as asy as I could. I felt quite sober, and I counted the steps one after another, as I was going down, that I might not stumble at the bottom.

"There you're wrong. I'm thinking now, where is the best place for you: and by G d as long as I can stick to you, I will; both becase you were always a kind masther to the poor, an' becase the man you killed war him I hated worse than all the world besides; but it's no asy thing to say where you'd be safest. D'you know Aughacashel, Mr. Thady?"

One story I liked particular was concerning the origin of placer mining in this country, about a Greaser, Jason Somebody, who got the gold fever and grub-staked a mob he called the Augerknots carpenters, I judge, from the mess they made of it. They chartered a schooner and prospected along Asy Miner, wherever that is.

I received her lolling upon my sofa, as usual, and I questioned her merely as if to gratify an idle curiosity. "Troth, dear," said she, "I'll tell you the whole story how it was, to make your mind asy, which, God knows, mine never was, from that minute it first came into my head, till this very time being.