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Then I was and I can tell you that I found to my cost, love was all in all with me before I was married, and after I had been married a twel'-month, money was all in all with me; for I had the wife, and I had not the money, and without the money, the wife must have starved. Gilb. But I can work, sir, and will, head, hands, and heart, for the woman I love. Christy. Asy said hard done.

'Well, whin he was come to himself agin, says Jerry to him quite an' asy: "Terence," says he, "don't be aggravatin' yourself," says he; "for I have a plan composed that 'ill make him spake out," says he, "an' tell what it is in the world he's wantin'," says he; "an' mind an' don't be comin' in wid your gosther, an' to say agin anything I tell you," says he, "but jist purtind, as soon as the bird is brought back," says he, "how that we're goin' to sind him to-morrow mornin' to market," says he.

I'll tell how the nights with Sir Arthur we spent, Around a big fire in the air too, Or may be enjoying ourselves in a tent, Exactly like Donnybrook fair too. How he'd call out to me: "Pass the wine, Mr. Free, For you're a man never is lazy!" Then some one will cry, with a wink of her eye, "Arrah, Mickey, dear, can't you be asy?"

"Arrah, Mickey, now can't you be asy?" sang out a voice in chorus, and the next moment Dr. Quill himself made his appearance. "Well, O'Malley, is it a penitential psalm you're singing, or is my friend Mike endeavoring to raise your spirits with a Galway sonata?" "A little bit of his own muse, Doctor, nothing more; but tell me, how goes it with the major, is the poor fellow out of danger?"

"'Jist ten and a half; but the half-yard was for the tucks. "'Ay, faix! and brave full tucks she left in it; ten would do me, Rose? "'Ten! no, nor ten and a half; you're a size bigger nor me at the laste, Peggy; but you'd be asy fitted, you're so well made.

"Becase what?" says Terence. "Becase," says Jer, "if it isn't done you'll never be asy again," says he, "or pusilanimous in your mind," says he; "so ax no more questions, but do my biddin'," says he. "Well," says Terence, "have your own way," says he. 'An' wid that he tuck the ould gandher, an' giv' it to one iv the gossoons. "An' take care," says he, "don't smother the crathur," says he.

I'd leave this house if I could, but I can't find another lodging in the town so cheap, and I'll not take a better till I've paid off all my debts, please God; but I could not be asy in my mind till I made it as safe as I could.

"I tell you what, Massa Yolliffe, it just seven bells, and if the young gentleman would, instead of tay, try a little out of the copper, it might keep him asy. It but a little difference, tay soup and pay soup. Now a bowl of that, with some nuts and a flourish of pepper will do him good, anyhow." "Perhaps the best thing he can take, Mesty; get it as fast as you can."

"Thrath, it's whor next to nothin' I'm giv-in' her to you, sir; but sure you can make your own price at any thing beyant a pound. Huerish amuck sladh anish! be asy, you crathur, sure you're gettin' into good quarthers, any how go into the hanerable English gintleman's kitchen, an' God knows it's a pleasure to dale wit 'em.

And Sir Culling got over his way, and Lady Smith would not be carried, but leaping and assisted by men's arms and shouts, she got to the other side. "Be asy; be quite, can't you, dear, and I'll carry you over to the other side safely, all in good time," floundering as he went. "Thank you, sir, thank you. Now, sir, now set me down, if you will be so very good, on the bank."