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The misthress isn't the woman to spare, and sich a frind as Miss Anty dead in the house. Let 'em ax whom they like." "You're a fool, Nelly Ax whom they like! that's asy said. Is they to ax Barry Lynch, or is they to let it alone, and put the sisther into the sod without a word said to him about it?

"Bravo, boys success, masther; lie into him where's your huntin' horn, Mr. Kavanagh? he'll bate yez if ye don't take the wind of him. Well done, Callaghan, keep up yer heart, yer sowl, and you'll do it asy you're gaining' on them, ma bouchal the masther's down, you gallows clip, an' there's none but the scholars afther ye he's safe."

He had good courage, God bless him for it but he always had and there he heard and saw all and this was how they were talking: First, one began by saying, how they must not be delaying longer to show themselves; they must make a rising in the country then named the numbers in other parts that would join, and that they would not be put down so asy as afore, for they would have good leaders then some praised you greatly, and said they was sure you favoured them in your heart, by all the ill-will you got in the county the time of the last 'ruction.

No doubt: still, counshillor, I'm in dread of my life that that great big veshel won't be implied in a hurry. O'Bla. Won't it? but you'll see it will, though; and what's more, them spirits will turn into water for the shupervisor. Pat. Water! how? O'Bla. Asy the ould tan-pit that's at the back of the distillery. Pat. I know what of it? O'Bla.

With the blood that I spilt, the Frenchmen I kilt, I'll drive the young girls half crazy; And some cute one will cry, with a wink of her eye, "Mister Free, now why can't you be asy?"

"Faith, he's the boy that knows how to make a Judy of himself any way, Pether," exclaimed another. "The divil a hapurt'h asier nor to give these Quality the bag to hould, so there isn't. An' they think themselves so cute, too!" "Augh!" said a third, "couldn't a man find the soft side o' them as asy as make out the way to' his own nose, widout being led to it. Divil a sin it is to do them, any way.

He paused for a few minutes, bent his head upon his hands as he knelt in supplication at the chair, then resumed his seat, as did the whole family, deeply affected. "Now, childhre," said he, "I'll tell yez all; but don't any of you be so poor a crathur as I was to-day. Bear it mild an' asy, Vara, acushla, for I know it will take a start out of you. Sure we're to go back to our own ould farm!

But mind, she can do it yet, and, av' you don't take yourself very asy, she shall. Danger, indeed! a robber and ruffian like you, to talk of danger to me and his dear sisther, too, and aftimer trying his best, last night, to murdher her!"

Will you be asy now? do you want to have me stark naked?" "Come away, woman, I tell you; don't I know Feemy's gone off, away from me; she'll niver, niver come back; it's Keegan and his hell-hounds you're letting in on me."

Lies, indeed! and from you, Barry Lynch, the biggest liar in all Connaught not to talk of robber and ruffian! You'd betther take yourself out of that, fair and asy, while you're let. You'll find you'll have the worst of it, av' you come rampaging here wid me, my man;" and she turned round to the listening crowd for sympathy, which those who dared were not slow in giving her.