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"Well, and what 'ud you say if I showed you a baste ov mine," says his Riv'rence, "that, instead ov fasting till first mass is over only, fasts out the whole four-and-twenty hours ov every Wednesday and Friday in the week as reg'lar as a Christian?" "O, be asy, Masther Maguire," says the Pope. "You don't b'lieve me, don't you?" says his Riv'rence; "very well, I'll soon show you whether or no."

"Come, come," said Connor, good humoredly, "he was out coortin', and doesn't wish to be known; and Phil, as you had the luck to meet me, I beg you, for Heaven's sake, not to breathe that you seen me near Bodagh Buie's to-night; I have various reasons for it." "It's no secret to me as it is," replied Curtis; "half the parish knows it; so make your mind asy on that head. Good night, Connor!

Honor. And to give a little ase to mine, father, perhaps you could promise Old McB. What? I'll promise nothing at all I'll promise nothing at all I'll promise nothing I couldn't perform. Honor. But this you could perform asy, dear father: just hear your own Honor. Honor. It is in rason entirely. It's only, that if Catty Rooney's Honor.

Jemmy!!" exclaimed his brothers and sisters. "Asy, childhre," said the father "asy; let the mother to him let her to him. Who has the right that she has? Vara, asthore Vara, think of yourself. God of heaven! what is comin' over her? Her brain's turned!" "Father, don't remove her," said the son. "Leave her arms where they are: it's long since they encircled my neck before.

"King Corny, God bless him! couldn't go astray in his choice of a favourite long life to him and Prince Harry! and no doubt there'd be fine hunting, and shooting, and coursing continually. Well, was not it a happy thing for the islands, when Harry Ormond first set foot on them? From a boy 'twas asy to see what a man he'd be. Long may he live to reign over us!"

I'll tell how we routed the squadrons in fight, And destroyed them all at "Talavera," And then I'll just add how we finished the night, In learning to dance the "bolera;" How by the moonshine we drank raal wine, And rose next day fresh as a daisy; Then some one will cry, with a look mighty sly, "Arrah, Mickey, now can't you lie asy?"

Start, boys, off chase him, lie into him asy, curse yez, take time gettin' out: that's it keep to him don't wait for me; take care, you little spalpeens, or you'll brake your bones, so you will: blow the dust of this road, I can't see my way in." "Well, boys, you've been at it here's swelled faces and bloody noses. What blackened your eye, Callaghan?

"Very asy, Rody," replied Reillaghan; "we made up the quarrel, shuck hands, an's good frinds as ever." "Bedad, that bates cock-fightin'," said Body, as he went to bring in the gun. In the mean time, Prank, with the cards in his hand, went to the eave of the barn, I thrust them up under the thatch, and took out of the same nook a flask of whiskey.

"If that's all that's throubling you," replied Denis, trembling, "you may make yourself asy on the head of it; but well I know 'tisn't that that's on your mind; 'tis your own conscience; but sure it's not fair nor rasonable for you to vent your evil thoughts on me!" "Well, he won't," said Anne, "he'll quit it; his mind's throubled; an', dear knows, it's no wondher it should.

"'Oh, says he, 'I wish to the Lord I was as asy in my mind as Larry there. Maybe, says he, 'if I thried I could go asleep'; an' with that he pulled a big arm-chair close beside Lawrence, an' settled himself in it as well as he could. "But there was one quare thing I forgot to tell you.