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"If you think you can insult me like that, you're mistaken," said Mavis, with icy calmness, the while she trembled in every limb. "Haven't you been through Orgles's hands?" asked Miss Potter. "No, I have not. I say again, how dare you accuse me of that?" "She didn't mean it, dear," said Miss Allen appeasingly; "she's always said you're the only pretty girl who's straight in 'Dawes'."

"Yes, neighbor, yes," said the miller's wife appeasingly. It was not her fault that a pig had stopped the marriage. She gave her own candle to Angèle, with a motherly look. The girl had a pink and golden prettiness unusual among habitantes. Though all flush was gone out of her skin under the stress of the hour, she retained the innocent clear pallor of an infant.

"O, well," put in Catherine, appeasingly. "Mrs. Graham says, you know, that we'll 'have to get people pretty well educated readin' our encyclopedias and dictionaries before they'll think anything's worth goin' to that there ain't somethin' to eat at! And Mrs. Graham is going to take charge of all that part, anyhow, so I don't feel like finding fault.

"Come, Clara: give me a chance to make good " "Will you turn straight?" she caught him up sharply. "And will you fix up the affair of the Jefferson letters?" "That last is a pretty stiff proposition; I don't see how it's to be done. As to the first but, really, Clara," smiling again appeasingly, "really, you take this thing altogether too seriously." "Too seriously!" She almost choked.

This woman, largely built, middle-aged, and too irate to comprehend, clutched Mary's hair by one hand and lifted the other to smack her. Before the blow could fall, Billy had seized both the woman's wrists. "Come on, old girl, cut it out," he said appeasingly. "You're in wrong. She ain't done nothin'." Then the woman did a strange thing.

I've no right to steal you from the rest of the world, or from the place in it that you ought to fill. John" "That's my name." "Why can't I do something to help you?" John lifted his head unnecessarily. "No!" "Well, then, let's think of something we can do, without just waiting for the wind to blow us along, I mean," she added appeasingly, "I mean without waiting to be employed by others."

"My, but you air wearin' mighty fine clothes," she croaked enviously. "I ain't had a new dress fer more'n five year;" and that was the welcome she got. "No?" said June appeasingly. "Well, I'll get one for you myself." "I'm much obleeged," she whined, "but I reckon I can git along." A cough came from the bed in the other corner of the room.

"That's not a suitable topic for jesting," Fay frowned. "We're hoping that Tickler will mobilize the full potential of the Free World for the first time in history. Gusterson, you are going to have to wear a ticky-tick. It's becoming impossible for a man to get through modern life without one." "Maybe I will," Gusterson said appeasingly, "but right now tell me about Moodmaster.

Blaize," he said, "this is very kind of the people you allude to, but I am of an age now to think and act for myself I love her, sir!" His whole countenance changed, and the muscles of his face quivered. "Well!" said the farmer, appeasingly, "we all do at your age somebody or other. It's natural!"

"I wish you'd" and he turned the coin again. The physician dropped an eagle's stare on the gold. "I don't practise medicine on those principles." "But, Doctor," insisted the other, appeasingly, "you can make an exception if you will. Reasons are better than rules, my old professor used to say.