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Her three listeners had strong nerves, but low speech was certainly an impossibility. "Let me explain the matter to you," said the forester appeasingly. "I have told you already that this was an exceptional case." "Marietta Volkmar is the grandchild of our good old doctor at Waldhofen. His son died while still in the flower of youth.

One-Eye floundered down on deck, grinning appeasingly and failing to hide the fear he had overcome but which still possessed him. He was lame of one leg, and this was accounted for by a terrible scar, inches deep, which ran down the thigh from hip to knee.

She started to her feet, trembling in every limb, her face twitching painfully. Octavius was appalled at the effect of his words; but he dared not falter now too much was at stake although fearful of the effect of any further excitement upon the woman before him. He spoke appeasingly: "I can't take that back, for it's true, Mrs. Champney.

Blaize," he said, "this is very kind of the people you allude to, but I am of an age now to think and act for myself I love her, sir!" His whole countenance changed, and the muscles of his face quivered. "Well!" said the farmer, appeasingly, "we all do at your age somebody or other. It's natural!"

"I I did my best, ma'am. But they wouldn't go." And before punishment could fall she discreetly fled. "Pardon this seeming intrusion, Mrs. De Peyster," the foremost young man said rapidly, smoothly, appeasingly. "But we could not go, as you requested. The sailing of Mrs. De Peyster, under the attendant circumstances, is a piece of news of first importance; in fact, almost a national event.

She held the letter out before them as if she was lifting something alive by the back of the neck, and to intensify her scorn spoke in the hated tongue prescribed by the new courts. "Loog ad 'im! dad ridge gen'leman oo give so mudge money to de 'ozpill!" "Bud, maman," said the daughter, laying her hand appeasingly upon her mother's knee, "ee do nod know 'ow we is poor."

"Got all his front teeth, mum?" asked the man Buffle had rebuked; then he turned quickly to Buffle, who was frowning suspiciously, and said, appeasingly, "Yer know, Buffle, that bein' a gentleman don't keep a feller from losin' his teeth in the nateral course of things." "He had all his front teeth a few months ago," replied Mrs. Berryn.

Eevans," she said, appeasingly, "I'd say he was a nice child enough, and the very dead spit of the poor Colonel. I dunno what harm he could do the children at all?" The Prophet Samuel could scarcely have regarded Saul, when he offered those ill-fated apologies relative to King Agag, with a more sinister disfavour than did Evans view Mrs. Dixon. "I'll say one thing to you, Mrs.

But his tongue took matters promptly out of his hesitation's hands. "Fact is, I've an engagement." He added, appeasingly, "That's why I was so keen on getting you for tea." And Jinny told him appreciatively that it was a lovely tea and a lovely view. "We're going to be at the hotel, I expect," she threw out, carelessly, "and if you get through in time "

Her eyes beamed appeasement and also appeasingly; surrendering myself to her, I had disarmed her resentment. Nevertheless, I continued, "He who can say such a thing has no right, then, to wear hair on his face? I shall presently go straight to the barber's. I have been so proud of my manliness! But repulsed with loss!