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Isn't that grand, now?" Luke led Andy into the tent where the side show was. A big frame covered with cheese cloth took up the entire width of the place. Upon this a man with a brush was liberally spreading several quarts of glaring red and yellow paint.

It might be necessary for them to move quickly from the ice to save their lives. "We can afford to spend some hours in rest, and will start with bodies refreshed, at least. Now we will divide the watches," suggested the scientist. But the others would not hear of the professor going on guard. Andy declared for the first watch, for he had to 'tend his "jerked" bear meat.

Dave's schemes were elaborate, and he often worked his inventions out to nothing. The cartridge was rigid and solid enough now a formidable bomb; but Andy and Dave wanted to be sure.

Dunk seemed undecided for a moment, and Mortimer renewed his pleadings. "Be a sport!" he cried. "Have a good time while you're living you're a long time dead!" There was a moment's hush. Then Dunk gently removed Mortimer's arm and said: "No, I'm going back with Blair. Come on, Andy." And they went out together. "Look at that!" "Why, it's the same stuff!"

I've got so much wealth that I'm afraid I shall not be as fortunate as jolly Andy Carnegie, for I don't see how I can possibly die poor!" "Why not found a university or so?" asked Mr. Vedder. "Well, I had thought of that. It's a good idea. Let's join our forces and establish a university where truly serious people can take courses in laughter." "Fine idea!" exclaimed Mr.

Roy was an only child, and it was the desire of his mother's heart that he should acquire a good education. Her means were ample and her disposition generous. "I don't know but Andy would feel too tired, after being in your uncle's office all day, to teach you in the evening, she said. "Would you, Andy?" asked Roy. "No; I should enjoy reviewing my old studies with you."

There was no one to mend 'em for me, and I'm more used to the hoe than the needle." "I will sew up some of the holes when you're gone to bed, Andy. Are you sure you're well, lad?" "Well, mother? Jist wait till you see me atin', mother. You'll think I've got a healthy appetite." "I never thought, Andy. The poor lad must be hungry. Mary, see what there is in the closet."

The small person placed his boots upon the empty cushion before and regarded them with some benevolence; then he touched his mustache with a comb, which he took from the head of his cane. "It is surprising, Andy," he said, "how the growth of one's feet bears no proportion to that of his head. Observe those pedals. One of my ancestors must have found a wife in China.

Andy Green did that again before he stepped off the train. For he felt that he had shaken hands with a traitor to himself and his outfit, and it went against the grain. That the traitor was a woman, and a charming woman at that, only intensified his resentment against her.

Now, Andrew, these years I've been savin' up for this moment when I was sure that " To his unutterable astonishment Andy rose and stepped between him and the door. "Uncle Jas," he said, "mostly I got a lot of respect for you and what you think. Tonight I don't care what you or anybody else has to say. Just one thing matters. I feel I've been living in the dirt. I'm going out and see what's wrong.