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The third part disliked the other two parts intensely one for raging without daring to speak, and one for trying to find alibis for not even raging. He went back to the ticket-desk. The clerk said heartily: "Here you are! The rest of your party's already on board, Mr. Cochrane. You'd better hurry! Take-off's in five minutes." Holden joined him.

"Well, ut jes' looked like a house that Shaver would belong to, cute an' comfortable like," said The Hopper; "I jes' suspicioned it wuz th' place as I wuz passin' along." "I don't think we'd better begin trying to establish alibis," remarked Muriel, very gently, "for we might get into terrible scrapes. Why, if Mr.

Raines's young barrister had for once put aside his unslaked and Welling passion for alibis and insanity, had forsworn gymnastics and fireworks, and worked soberly for his client.

In the tumultuousness of the life about him, he could see little but a restless and vulgar exertion for the creation of wealth. The perpetual bustle and change were not to his taste. He spoke of it afterwards, in one of his works, with a certain grim humor peculiarly his own. America he said, was a country for alibis.

They told this to Henry, they urged him to go ahead and become a strictly moral Wallingford, they slapped him on the back and assured him that if there was justice in the Sunday-school books, he was certain to finish in the money; and Henry, who had provided himself with several air-tight alibis, found them dead stock on his hands.

And here was a man whose saleratus you had et and at whose table you had played games of cards if casino can be so called. And yet you inform him to the law and take money for it. It never was like you, I say." "This H. Ogden," resumed the red-faced man, "through a lawyer, proved himself free by alibis and other legal terminalities, as I so heard afterward. He never suffered no harm.

Notices were stuck up in the postoffice and on all the telephone poles. A great many embarrassing incidents resulted, and three fist-fights of considerable violence occurred, for the gentlemen accused of the crimes took drastic and specific means of establishing complete and satisfactory alibis. Courtney Thane chafed under the prolonged absence of Alix Crown. Valuable time was being wasted.

If others care to sit in, perhaps we'll all come to a show-down, next spring at Thirty Mile. It'll be easy enough to explain just how we did it. Alibis based on veiled opposition wouldn't interest the Reserve people much, if we left their timber there to rot. . . . And I'm trying not to overlook any bets, Mr. Elliott." Hastily the iron-gray man thrust his hat back from his forehead.

A cold silence fell on them, as if they had been suddenly chilled by the frigid attitude of the detective. "Coroner, the alibis which Mr. Luckstone presented are worthless," the detective said in a subdued voice that nevertheless penetrated his hearers like an icy wind. "You mean they are manufactured?" blurted the coroner. "No they are true. But they have no bearing on the murder." "What!"

I am fortunately able to prove the best of alibis.... So then," said Lanyard, smiling, "it would appear that, though we met ten minutes ago for the first time and I have yet to know mademoiselle by name we are allies in a common cause." "My name is Brooke Cecelia Brooke," she said quietly "if it matters. But why 'allies'?" "It appears we own a common enemy.