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Updated: September 12, 2024

And you asserted that the true wisdom of life lay solely in the cultivation not of our feelings, but our faculties. You know, I held a different doctrine: and it is with the natural triumph of a hostile partizan, that I hear you are about to relinquish the practice of one of your dogmas; in consequence, may I hope, of having forsworn the theory?"

It was no matter how Mustapha Bey, his son, was lured; he had been seized in the harem, and all truth can be forsworn in Egypt, and the game was with this Donovan Pasha. "Send to your palace, commanding that the Englishman be brought here," said Dicky. Selamlik Pasha did so.

If he had experienced one malevolent family early in his life, this should have been enough of an augury for him that long ago he, Nawin Biadklang, should have forsworn a second round of it and vowed to maintain a single and original life thereafter.

We passed from out the searching light; The summer night was calm and fair: I did not see her pitying eyes, I felt her soft hand smooth my hair. Her tender love unlocked my heart; 'Mid falling tears, at last I said, "Forsworn indeed to me that veil, Because I only love the dead!"

The shock of blasted fortunes was falling upon the dying heart; the convictions which a long life had never brought home that men were false and their words a lie were stealing over the man upon the brink of the grave; and he who had loved his neighbor like a brother was to be taught, at the eleventh hour, that the beings he trusted were perjured and forsworn.

Connected with this dinner there was one thing remarkable; the publisher took no animal food, but contented himself with feeding voraciously on rice and vegetables prepared in various ways. ‘You eat no animal food, sir?’ said I. ‘I do not, sir,’ said he; ‘I have forsworn it upwards of twenty years. In one respect, sir, I am a Brahmin.

Connected with this dinner there was one thing remarkable; the publisher took no animal food, but contented himself with feeding voraciously on rice and vegetables, prepared in various ways. "You eat no animal food, sir?" said I. "I do not, sir," said he; "I have forsworn it upwards of twenty years. In one respect, sir, I am a Brahmin.

"I know what you would say, Edward," replied the Dr., rising upon his elbow, "but I cannot do it. I cannot let drink alone. I must drink if it kills me. Times without number I have forsworn it, and I will never add another broken vow to my perjured soul.

Put the case that pretty nigh all the children he saw in his daily business life he had reason to look upon as so much spawn, to develop into the fish that were to come to his net, to be prosecuted, defended, forsworn, made orphans, bedevilled somehow." "I follow you, sir."

It is as well unwise as unprofessional, in counsel, to accuse a witness of having forsworn himself, unless some good ground, other than the mere instruction of the client, is present in the evidence to justify it.

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