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Updated: July 31, 2024

But when we are to be married, you shall only to me talk in my own moder Taal." "Shan't I myke a gay old 'ash of it!" Recklessly she crushed the large hat against the unwieldy shoulder. "There, good-night agyne, deer! Sister Tobias that's what they call the one that 'ousekeeps and manages the kitchen Sister Tobias 'll be sittin' up for me, thinkin' I've got meself lost or bin run away with."

And if two thoroughly silly people can't impose upon one sensible old man, it will be very strange indeed. And now I'm going to tell you what I hadn't time to tell you yesterday." She leaned forward and tapped sharply on the rattling glass in front of the cab. The cabman, bending down, twisted his whiskers towards her. "Don't go too fast." "I can't get 'im to fall down agyne, lydy.

"Mind as you never do, that's all!... I tried to thank 'im then," went on W. Keyse, "an' 'e wouldn't 'ave it. I tried to thank 'im agyne at the Hospital an' e' wouldn't 'ave it. I tried to thank 'im yesterday on 'is own doorstep, an' 'e wouldn't 'ave it. So wot I'm a-going to do is Wait!

She hung over him, trembling, ardent, doubting, joyful, faltering: "S'y it agyne, darlin'! Upon yer solemn natural " He said it with the lean arm round her. "An' it's me me wot you wants an' not that Other One? He swore it. "You and not that Other One. So help me Jiminy Cripps!" "An' you've forgiven me abart them letters?" Her face was coming close....

Rolfie would climb on the table in the estaminet and sing numerous unprintable verses of his own, entitled "Oh, What a Merry Plyce is Hengland." The only redeeming feature of this song was the chorus, which everybody would roar out and which went like this: Cheer, ye beggars, cheer! Britannia rules the wave! 'Ard times, short times Never'll come agyne.

"I sye," he cried, all at once scrambling up and clawing at our arms, "D'd the bally ha'nt show up agyne?" And as we nodded he went on more aggrievedly than ever "Oh, I sye, y' know, I daon't like this. I eyen't shipping in no bloomin' 'ooker wot carries a ha'nt for supercargo. They waon't no good come o' this cruise no, they waon't. It's a sign, that's wot it is.

I eyen't goin' to buck again no signs it eyen't human nature, no it eyen't. You mark my words, 'Bud' Hardenberg, we clear this port with a ship wot has a ha'nt an' we waon't never come back agyne, my hearty." That night he berthed aft with us on the quarterdeck, but though we stood watch and watch till well into the dawn, nothing stirred about the foremast.

Got an observer, I see," he added, jerking his grizzled chin at the dragoman. "Strike me, it's the good old dyes o' the Gryte Skirmish over agyne." "Is this," asked the Angel, whose mouth was already black with bilberries, "the dialect of rural England?" "I will interrogate him, sir," said his dragoman, "for in truth I am at a loss to account for the presence of a man in the country."

"Gawd lumme!" says the big fellow who had threatened my beloved stripes. "Wot a life. Squattin' 'ere in the bloody mud like a blinkin' frog. Fightin' fer wot? Wot, I arsks yer? Gawd lumme! I'd give me bloomin' napper to stroll down the Strand agyne wif me swagger stick an' drop in a private bar an' 'ave me go of 'Aig an' 'Aig." "Garn," cuts in another Tommy.

But I lay Gawd lets folks do a bit o' blub just once," said Emigration Jane, "before 'E wipes their eyes, becos you don't begin to know wot 'appiness means until you've cried for joy!" "I pretty near did when the Doctor give me this chauffeuring job, and so I tell you stryte," affirmed her lord. "D'you know I 'ad a shy at thankin' 'im agyne, an' got my 'ead bit orf.

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