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Updated: August 25, 2024

Cotta writes me that he has secured the English copyright, and sent some copies to the principal Reviews and the 'Times. Believe me, very faithfully yours, From the Comte de Paris Chateau d'Eu, 9 decembre. Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Un de mes amis va partir pour la Belgique. Je tiens a en profiter pour lui confier une lettre a votre adresse, qu'il mettra a la poste chez nos voisins.

Adresse was quite dazzling. We went back over the same ground two or three days later on our way to Bayeux. The town is not particularly interesting, but the cathedral is beautiful and in wonderful preservation the columns are very grand every capital exquisitely carved and no two alike.

Denonville, Memoire adresse ou Ministre sur les Affaires de la Nouvelle France, 10 Aout, 1688. The Iroquois told Dongan, in 1684, "that they had not don any thing to the French but what Monsr. delaBarr Ordered them, which was that if they mett with any French hunting without his passe to take what they had from them." Dongan to Denonville, 9 Sept., 1687.

J'ai vendu mon hotel de Paris et n'ai pas encore pu y reconstituer d'etablissement. Des que vous pourrez, donnez-moi votre adresse de Paris, et indiquez-moi quels jours vous serez libre, afin que je puisse en choisir un et vous demander de venir a Chantilly. Dites-moi aussi quels jours il vous serait agreable d'avoir ma loge aux Francais. J'espere bien avoir lu 'Endymion' d'ici la.

I hope I shall have de pleasure to make your acquaintance. Je m'appelle Monsieur Auguste de Poivre. J'ai l'honneur de vous presenter une carte d'adresse. I live on de top of my mother's, sur l'entresol. My mother live on de ground rez-de-chaussee. Madame ma mere will be delighted to receive a monsieur of so much vit and adresse."

However, I think it's the interest of all who love this Government, betwixt Sky and Nesse, to see me at the head of my clan, ready to join them; so that I believe none of them will refuse to sign ane adresse to make me a Scotsman. I am perswaded, dear Sir, that you will be of good example to them on that head. But secrecy, above all, must be keept; without which all may go wrong.

L'insuccès de nos propositions pacifiques nous obligea d'élargir les mesures de précaution militaires. Le Cabinet de Berlin nous ayant adressé une question

The performance furnished a fruitful harvest for the life-savers. As for me, I played La Dame aux Camelias for the first time in France. I was really inspired. I affirm that those who were present at that performance experienced the quintessence of what my personal art can give. I spent the night at my place at Ste. Adresse. The day following I left for Paris.

But least I should seeme vnto you too studious in confuting idle opinions, or answering friuolous questions, I wil adresse me to the true report of those actions that haue passed therein: wherein I protest, I will neither hide any thing that hath hapned against vs, nor attribute more to any man or matter, then the iust occasions thereof lead me vnto: wherein it shall appeare that there hath bene nothing left vndone by the Generals which was before our going out vndertaken by them, but that there hath bene much more done then was at the first required by Don Antonio, who should haue reaped the fruit of our aduenture.

Si j'avais pu vous en parler de vive voix, je vous aurais mieux dit que je n'ai adresse a personne d'invitation formelle, qu'en vous faisant cette proposition je ne veux vous imposer aucune gene, mais que par cela meme votre presence n'aurait que plus de prix a mes yeux. Vous m'excuserez de n'avoir cherche ce matin qu'a vous expliquer ma pensee aussi brievement que possible.

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