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"I ’low they wuz grudgin’ him the mouthful they fed to him, that they ack so outdaciously plumb locoed as to tu’n a man out to get hisself hanged. An’ Jim never wuz a hearty eater. He never seemed to relish his food, even when he wuz a growin’ kid."

He was in a half-stupor; it was his desire to remain in that condition, and his propulsion was almost wholly subconscious, though surprisingly rapid, considering his dimensions. "My goo'ness!" exclaimed Genesis, glancing back over his shoulder. "'At li'l' thing ack like he think he go'n a GIT somewheres!"

He laughed aloud, a sardonic, wild, coarse laugh, and he shivered once or twice violently, in spite of the brandy he had drunk. "You won't speak to me, eh? Won't you? Curse you! Pass me on the other side so! Look at me. I am the worst man in the world, eh? Judas is nothing no! Ack, what are you, to turn your back on me? Listen to me!

"An', mebbe I ain't sayin' you actually is; I's sayin' it with a mebbe mebbe you been marvelin' in yore mind whut it wuz w'ich pestered me an' made me ack so kind of no-'count?" "I ain't needin' to marvel," she stated coldly. "I knows. Laziness! Jes' pyure summer-time nigger laziness, wid a rich streak of meanness th'owed in." "Nome, you is wrong," he corrected her gently. "You is wrong there.

Molly courtesied nervously and continuously as she clung to her mother, and the boy showed a gap where two front teeth had been and was now filled by a very pink tongue. "Wen you goin' stop grow, anyhow, you two, eh?" continued the Frenchman, and then, in a tone of sadness: "If I t'ink you ack lak' dis, I don' buy all dese present. Dese t'ing ain' no good for ole folks.

From under the shed he could see the stars rising. It was very still and very lonely and he was hungry hungrier and lonelier than he had ever been in his life, and a sob of helplessness rose to his lips if he only had Jack but he held it back. "I got to ack like a man now." And, saying this over and over to himself, he went to sleep.

Gyp thought: 'I mustn't let him get off or I shall be late for dinner, and she said: "Oh, Pettance, who bought the young brown horse?" "Mr. Bryn Summer'ay, ma'am, over at Widrington, for an 'unter, and 'ack in town, miss." "Summerhay? Ah!"

He got a grudging commendation from the terrible women when he was able to slip noiselessly in the tide, swim under water to where a wild duck was floating and grip it by the leg. "Qu ," said the duck, and he disappeared before he had time to get the "-ack" out of him.

"Prayin' is a godly ack. Wheresomedever, an' whensomedever you do it." "But, mother, I don't believe you were prayin'. I heard the knockin' o' your whis'-broom. You was brushin' down the stairs." "Well, what if I was? Cleanliness is next to godliness, ain't it? Prayin' an' cleanin', it amounts to the same thing in the end it's just a question of what you clean, outside you or in."

Old Bishop himself, sorting over some trace-chains behind the counter, nodded grimly, and then smiled, his wintry face grown suddenly tender. "You've shore struck it, Newt," assented Joe Trimble. "You never kin tell how ary one of 'em 'll ack under any succumstances." Jack Carter and Sid Northcutt, the only bachelors present, grinned and winked slyly at each other.