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They were all very civil, only I was astonished at the way the mistress of the house mentioned my name every time she spoke to me: "Madame Waddington, etes-vous allee a l'Opera hier soir," "Madame Waddington, vous montez a cheval tous les matins, je crois," "Monsieur Waddington va tous les vendredis a l'Institut, il me semble," etc.

Sophia it resembles in so many ways.... fine place to radio from to friends at Odessa ... especially if the NUN has been obeying orders.... Lvov is out of the way, over in the city prison, cooking, where he can't betray the prisoners at Ipatiev's.... When I was alone with my Imperial prisoner I tore the patch off from my shirt sleeve and handed it to him.... 'Sa lettre! he exclaimed in an undertone.... His manner was exceedingly polite.... 'Ouvrez, lisez, I advised.... 'Oui, oui, je sais! je sais! he said softly, 'mais malheureusement cela est impossible!... 'Soak it in water', I replied.... 'Et vous, monsieur, êtes-vous américain ou français? he came back.... 'Je suis a Paris, mais je suis américain, and if the prisoner has no objection I'd rather speak in English.... 'That will be delightful, he said; 'I shall do as you say.... He ran back to the bathroom.

Ce que vous predisez arrivera, & quelque chose de pire encore; mais si Dieu l'a ainsi voulu, qui etes-vous pour lui contredire? C'etait la reflexion que le docteur Gamaliel faisait aux Juifs, en faveur des Apotres; pour vous, qui ne pouvez ni croire, ni faire, laissez les autres en liberte de faire ce qu'ils croient que Dieu demande d'eux.

Vous assurez qu'il ne se fait plus de miracles; mais qui vous l'a dit? ou cela est-il ecrit? Jesus-Christ assure, au contraire, que ceux qui auront autant de Foi qu'un grain de seneve, feront, en son nom, des miracles plus grands que ceux qu'il a faits lui-meme. Depuis quand etes-vous les directeurs des operations divines, pour les reduire a certains temps & dans la conduite ordinaire?

Suddenly, as we were passing a narrow place, with thick bushes on either side, some large hands were laid on my shoulders, and a rough negro voice said "Qui etes-vous, jeunes gens?" "Amis, j'espere," I replied readily, summoning to my aid a large proportion of the French I had learned from Colonel Pinchard. "Ou allez-vous donc?" was next asked.

In no very pleasant mood I walked across the cabin, without even looking at the persons assembled there, and leaned out of the open window. I had been some three or four minutes in this position, chewing the cud of unpleasant reflections, when a friendly voice spoke close to my ear "Qu'est ce qu'il y a donc, Monsieur Howard? Etes-vous indisposé? Allons voir du monde." I turned round.

"Qui êtes-vous done, mon ami?" inquired a hoarse, deep voice, a few yards off. "Bon cheval, non beast, sacré nom de Dieu!" A hearty burst of laughter prevented my hearing the conclusion of Mike's French. I now crept forward upon my hands and knees, till I could catch the dark outline of the horses, one hand fixed upon my pistol trigger, and my sword drawn in the other.

Mons. Jourdain. Etes-vous fou de l'aller quereller' lui qui entend la tierce et la quarte, et qui sait tuer un homme par raison demonstrative? Le Maitre a Danser. Je me moque de sa raison demonstrative, et de sa tierce et de sa quarte. Moliere.