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Updated: August 16, 2024

We neber 'yeard fum dem nomo', en dunno whar dey ez. I wuz willed ter mah young missis w'en she ma'ried. I wuz young en, ob course, she whuped me, but she wasn't mean ter me. I needed eve'y whupin' she eber gib me, cause I wuz allus fightin'. Mah missis allus called me her lettle nig.

Do people know that the end of a sinful life is Hell? Do people believe? Why, then, do they press their way down to such a place? Abe a New Character in the Village. "Hast ta yeard th' news?" said one neighbour to another, on the morning following the happy event narrated in the preceding chapter. "What news dost ta mean?" "Why, whatever dost ta mean?"

Some tells one tale en some tells nudder; some say dat fum dat time forrerd de Rabbits en de Foxes make fren's en stay so; some say dey kep on quollin'. Hit look like it mixt. Let dem tell you w'at knows. Dat w'at I years you gits it straight like I yeard it." There was a long pause, which was finally broken by the old man: "Hit's 'gin de rules fer you ter be noddin' yer, honey.

I didn't hab ter move but I kep prayin' en talkin' ter de Lawd en I b'leeve he 'Yeard me fer de water didn't git in mah house. I member w'en de yellow fever en de cholera wuz 'yer, in 1870 en 1873. Dey didn't hab coffins nuff ter put dem in, so dey used boxes en piled de boxes in waggins lak hauling wood.

"How do you know that, you little rascal?" "When I was asleep, she said: 'God bless us all, an' Mr. Ashes. I yeard 'er whisperin'." "You're a little ruffian to tell what you hear when you're not meant to hear it!" The little boy was silent. Then he said aggressively: "I can skin rabbets. Megan, she can't bear skinnin' 'em. I like blood." "Oh! you do; you little monster!" "What's that?"

He has put me yeah ter run like er rabbit wheneber I sees er white man er comin', an' I do hopes you take my part. I'll tell you whut he 'cuze me erbout. I wuz er comin' laung de road, an' I yeard a dog yelp, an' I come ter de dog er minit later an' he lay dar in de road wid his head mashed.

Mann, her daughter, a son-in-law and one grandchild occupy one of the houses. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mann, but only one is living. Mr. Mann, a deacon in the church, died three years ago. Time has laid its heavy hand on her property. It is the average home of colored people living in this section, two stories, small front yeard, enclosed with wooden picket fence.

One of the subjects for confirmation at a bishop's recent visitation, on being asked by the clergyman to whom she applied for her certificate of qualifications, what her godfathers and godmothers promised for her, said, with much naiveté, "I've a yeard that they promised to give me hafe a dozen zilver spoons, but I've never had 'em though."

He slammed the bolts home. He was up the ramp in a moment, and had banged the trap-door behind him. Old Piper turned from the loop-hole. "Seems there's summat up yonder behind the trees, sir. I yeard Ah! what'll that be?" From behind the knoll came a sudden holloa, then an uproarious burst of laughter. "They've got em, by God!" The old man swung his chair about with lion- like eyes.

You didn’t,” said Ninette defiantly, and taking a cup of coffee. “Yas, I did, I yeard you,” walking away. “See here, Betsy,” cried Ninette recalling the girl, “you’re not going to tell, are you?” “Dun know ef I isn’t gwine tell. Dun know ef I isn’t gwine tell Miss Duplan dis yere ver’ minute.” “Oh Betsy,” entreated Ninette, “I’ll give you this dress if you don’t. I don’t want it any more.”

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